January 18, 2011 8:05pm


Status: Came back from tennis practice and needs to go to bed.
Happiness Level: 6
Sadness Level: 4

It's only a 4 because I decided if my happiness is a 6, then I'll just make it sum up to 10. Ya'll dig?

I started off on the wrong note. I felt really depressed again today. I don't know why. I stopped taking my sleeping pills a month ago and now I'm on more natural ones, and yet my depression has increased. Is it because my body is going through withdrawl of my old medicine? Cause it seemed I was addicted. I have no clue why. Cause when I stopped taking them I felt jittery and totally out of it. Maybe that's the case.

Okay, so at tennis this girl is in her freshman year of high school and she's learning Japanese. I had to help her A LOT. It's her first year and all and so I helped her with honorifics (e.g. -chan, -san, -kun) and some basic words (e.g. thank you, goodbye, greetings, formal). I asked her, in the most excited way possible because I am HORRIBLE at communicating with people, believe it or not, "Do you like manga?!"


Oh crap. I was sulking while hitting my backhand for awhile cause she was like "I don't know what it is! I'm sorry! Could you tell me what it is?"

"It's Japanese books... you know, comics."

I got this look from her that said, 'sorry, still don't know'. It was horrible! I want to get her into Hetalia now. Badly. But I don't trust people (I have a trust issue from the past. Long story.) so I wouldn't be able to lend her my volume 1 and get it back a week later. (Practice is every Tuesday.) I can't even trust Na-chan sometimes. I'm sorry, love! (As a joke, she is my abusive lover because she's always hitting me. I might refer to her as my wife here and there.)

Tired. Want to go to sleep. I think I'll leave you guys on a good note today. I can't wait until January 25th! Did you guys see how I didn't make a bunch of stupid sentences this time? I felt stupid for that. It was too random. I don't know why, but I seem alightly unfazed that my mom reads my blogs. Then again, I've been watching what I say... in a way. Oh! By the way, she wants to read Hetalia. :D My dad is kind of against it and yet still approves that I watch it. "Cause Japan is the most racist country." I might get hit for this, but it's true. Do you see how innocent and quiet Japan is? There's hardly anything bad about him! Sorry, um, that's just me, but it's kind of true. My wife agrees with me.


