We are the Mormons

Conversations on AIM are utterly insane, this is a truth I have come to understand as I'm sure many of you have as well. Sometimes the weird topics me and my friends get off on have me laughing so hard I can barely breathe. So with that in mind... I share this conversation from last night. Hehe.

Aaryanna: o_O Being the same person would be really weird
Allamorph: Like the Utah version of Borg.
Aaryanna: hehe
Aaryanna: Resistince is futile!
Allamorph: We are the Mormons.
Aaryanna: *laughs*
Aaryanna: hahaha
Aaryanna: Wait... only my mom is a Mormon...
Aaryanna: Problem!
Allamorph: It's the Mormon collective.
Aaryanna: :-D
Aaryanna: That's so awful
Aaryanna: completely and totally awful
Allamorph: They will add your individuality to their own.
Allamorph: Except your women.
Allamorph: They'll add those to their harems.
Aaryanna: Stop it... I can't stop laughing
Aaryanna: haha
Aaryanna: :-D
Allamorph: Well, they do send their drones on away missions.
Aaryanna: O_O Damn...
Allamorph: I know one in Japan.
Aaryanna: You found us out!
Aaryanna: :p
Aaryanna: :-P
Allamorph: And they all seem to act about the same.....
Allamorph: Like they're actually being spoken through,
Allamorph: by the Mormon Queen.
Aaryanna: We have a queen?
Aaryanna: Boy would the guys be mad!
Allamorph: *shrug :-D
Allamorph: It's an easy way to keep the males indoctrinated.
Aaryanna: Random conversation just because I'm at Beth's place. hahahaha
Allamorph: Outnumber them in their own house.
Aaryanna: I should kick her off and borrow her computer more often.
Aaryanna: :-P
Allamorph: Also, do the ones closer to Utah do more overt attempts to assimilate people?
Aaryanna: I'm too taken in to be able to tell.
Aaryanna: *smirk*
Allamorph: Seems like the ones out here are less of a threat.
Allamorph: They can't adapt to my weapons yet.
Aaryanna: born and raised Utah mormons tend to be the worst
Allamorph: I shot one just last week.
Allamorph: He's dead.
Aaryanna: I'm going to have to hunt you down now!
Aaryanna: No wait...
Aaryanna: >_> I'm not one anymore
Aaryanna: Kill them all!
Allamorph: =P
Aaryanna: Other than my mother that is
Allamorph: I'll just remove her implants.
Aaryanna: hehe
Allamorph: The cortical node might be tricky.
Aaryanna: Mormons and the Borg... hahaha
Allamorph: Really filled with liturgical data that's difficult to extract without damaging the subject.
Aaryanna: awww... poor subjects... maybe
Aaryanna: :-P
Aaryanna: Resistance is futile! *shot*
Aaryanna: :-D
Allamorph: :-D
Aaryanna: I'm going to have to post that in my next post at Worlds. hahahaha
Aaryanna: XD We are the Mormons!
Aaryanna: *falls over laughing*
Allamorph: :-D
Allamorph: I'm a Helper!
