Sharpie Killa

Drawing Brother Assassin consumes the power of my Sharpie markers. I don't know why, I just love making the setting of that story in really dark and grungy places, just because it looks cool. @___@ So yeah, there's a graveyard of Sharpies in my room.

I'm sadistic. *>D*
External Image
I had a hard time drawing this page, mainly because I was trying to figure out how to arrange those panels and the scenes and what should I draw so that it's not excessively violent. And I think I'm starting to hate screentoning the pages, I have to strain my eyes. O.O

Uh... um... my kittens are insane, they run around and bite people, curtains, cords, legs, hands, hair, etc.
Ghost Hunters are back! Yes! *GhostHuntergeek*

Random stuff. Yep. :)
