1dev13's Journal! :D 12/8/09

Snow~ ('Cause I might have no school tomorrow because of it~) But, anyway, my basketball game got cancelled, due to snow...XD Nothing else has really happened...YET! I just am really bored right now...XD I'm making cards right now...but I can't submit them yet, since I have to wait until TOMORROW! *sighs* I really, really like these ones, they're pretty~ XD One funny thing that I'm listening to, is listening to my dad watch Madagascar: Escape to Africa, XD I can't believe my dad of all people is watching it!

Well, since I really have nothing interesting to say right now...here's a video to enjoy~

I also made some cards, which I shall post tomorrow~

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XD My favorite one is the last one! XD

Well, I hope that I don't have school tomorrow~ *crosses fingers* Good night everyone~

~1dev13 ^^
