1dev13's Journal! :D 12/5/09

Well, today I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise~ I tried to take a picture, but my camera kept making it blurry...so...oh well! XD Nothing's really going on today, I'm just roaming...guess! A. Howrse (A horse SIM game.) B. Google images, or C. Youtube!

..... (This just shows how bored I am right now, XD)

If you guessed youtube, you were correct~ (50 points! XD Just...don't ask)

Anyway, so I found some videos, even though I know I have a random youtube video of the day thing, but these are pretty hilarious! XD (They are all recommended for ages 13+, and also, headphones may be required if others are near! XD)^

*Please note that I did not make this video, I do not claim ownership in anyway.*

*Please note that I did not make these videos, I do not claim ownership in anyway.*

Well, anyway, I've been looking through some old stuff lately, and I found a small little note I apparently left myself for future references...XD

Here, it will give you a little giggle, and I don't mind if you laugh, I was literally laughing my head off when I found it! XD

XD It makes no sense!

12/12/06 12 days till Christmas!

Dear Future References,

Today, he finally declared himself and said, "I like you", and even since I turned 11 years old, I've had dreams with him in it! So, tonight, I'm gonna' have to get a good night's sleep tonight. [Here's the LOL part] (I think my and his [WHAT THE HECK WAS WRONG WITH MY GRAMMAR BACK THEN, it should be "our"> hormones are starting to kick in.) [*falls out of chair*] And, now, we respect each other more, and he makes me feel happy.

What I said after I read this: "WHAT THE HECK WAS MY PAST TRYING TO TELL MY FUTURE?!?!?!?!" But anyway, I'm like WHAT THE HECK still.

Here, this picture fits this situation PERFECTLY!

External Image

OH! Also, I got my report card back on Thursday, and I got on the A honor roll~ *claps for self! XD* Anyway, my worst grade was a B (UGH! I HATE THEM SO MUCH, 'CAUSE I'M SO CLOSE!) Ahem...anyway...so 1/3 of the way done with the school year, and then onto high school~

Well, tomorrow, I have to do read in front of a large number of people...so I'd better get to bed! *sighs, because I'm nervous!*

~1dev13 ^-^

Well...I feel like showing you guys this funny thing:

External Image

Okay, I'm done now, I promise! ^^
