1dev13's Journal! :D 12/1/09

Well, today, nothing out of the ordinary happened at school, but I had no basketball practice today, so *Hates all the running* Anyway, I FINALLY got done with my how-to article!!! Can you guess what it's on? MANGA!!! :D Here, you can read through it if you want, even though I know every single one of you does, XD I have pictures on it as well~

How to read manga! (Japanese comics)
Are you tired of reading long books? Want something to read that isn’t too long, nor to short? Or, have you ever wanted to read something out of the ordinary? If you answered yes to any of these questions above, then manga is perfect for you!
Well, to begin, I should say a couple of important things. First off, the Japanese read from right to left, the complete opposite of our language. So, most manga is “backwards”, in our sense. Well, the whole book is “backwards”! Now, I’ll explain that in greater detail. First off, imagine a regular book. Got that image in your head? (Well, obviously you know what a book looks like!) Well, anyway, you know the cover, how it’s on the left side of the binding? Well, most manga has the cover on the right side of the binding! So, that means that the back is on the left side of the binding. Secondly, the pages are “backwards” as well. You turn the pages from left to right, instead of right to left. And lastly, you read everything on the pages from right to left. (I have included a manga page at the end of this article, so you can see which order you read the words in.)
Now, if you don’t wish to read manga in the original Japanese format, there is an alternative route. It’s called mirrored manga. The reason why it’s called “mirrored” is because it flips the images, hence “mirrored”. This makes it so the manga can be just like any other book, in our sense. (Everything is now left to right.) But, there are a couple of disadvantages of doing this as well. So, in one of the drawings, let’s say there’s a character wearing a shirt that says “May”. Well, in the mirrored version, the shirt would actually say “yam”!
Now, there are two types of manga, shojo and shounen. Shojo is geared more towards girls, and shounen is geared more towards guys. Shojo manga’s genre is most likely going to be romantic comedy, while shounen’s genre is most likely going to be action. Now, you don’t have to read shojo manga if you’re a girl, or shounen if you’re a guy, it just depends on what your interests are.
Now, let’s see…in order to find a manga series that you would like, let’s name some of the genres: action, mystery, adventure, comedy, sci-fi, drama, fantasy, historical, sports, supernatural, tragedy…the list goes on and on. Did you hear any that sounded interesting? Well, you can buy most manga at a book store, like Barnes and Noble, or Borders. Another option is to borrow them from a library, if there’s manga available.
One thing that’s unique about manga is that it’s addicting, so addicting, that you begin opening regular books the wrong way!
On the following page, I have a diagram to show you how to read manga correctly, so you can get a better picture!
But anyway, find a manga that you find interesting, and enjoy an unforgettable and unique experience that you can't find in an ordinary American comic book.
Here is the direction that you turn the pages (since it’s hard to explain in words):

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THAT TOOK ME LIKE, 4 HOURS TO DO EVERYTHING!! XD (Even describing how to read something that simple! XD)

Well, I still have quite a bit of homework to do...so I'd better get off the computer, and get crackin'! XD

See you guys tomorrow!

OH! 55 subscribers~ Thank you to everyone, I really apperciate it~ *bows* Domo Arrigato~
