1dev13's Journal! :D 11/28/09

Well, yes, obviously, I am back! (FINALLY!) Anyway, let's start with my trip before we get to today~

11/26/09: Happy Thanksgiving everyone~ I hope you all had a good meal, I know I did~ Anyway, today, I saw this HUGE cat, it weighs, literally, 26 LBS!!!! (If only I had my camera...) Well, I woke up at 3:00 today...got in the car by 4:00, and I got to my destination at around 9ish. *yawns* I had Perkins for breakfast! Anyway, I finally had time to read my Lucky Star manga in the car, so, I finished that in about 2 hours. The rest of the time, I listened to music (Vocaloid songs, Haruhi character songs, etc.) After I ate my Thanksgiving meal, I went and played video games with my cousins. (Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Ocarina of Time...) Then, I headed back to my hotel, and soon fell asleep.


11/27/09: Happy Black Friday! XD (I went shopping, a little, I hated the crowds...) OMW! (Oh my word!) I had a blast today~ I went to 2 hockey games, and got some new clothes for school (Since I have a stupid dress code...BAKA!) ANYWAY! (XD) I also got to go swimming~ Nothing else really happened today...


11/28/09: Happy Super Saturday! XD (Shopping still?) Anyway, today, I came back, even though I was supposed to stay until tomorrow, but oh well, now I get to write my journal~ Now, I had a LONG car-ride back, but I still brought plenty of books! Now, I would like to reccomend a book to all of you, it's called Chinese Cinderella, here's a picture of the cover:

External Image

Like the cover says, it's a true story of a girl who is unwanted, 'cause, due to her being born, her mother died. Now, her family hates her, except for 2 people, her aunt, and her grandpa. It's very hard to put down, and very sad. (I admit, I cried at some parts.) Anyway, here's what her older sister says to her: "Because of you, you made mama go away, you are bad luck." (*sniff, sniff*) But anyway, I give it an 11 out of 10, I highly reccommend that you pick it up on your next trip to Barnes and Noble (or the library! XD) Well, I'd best be off to bed...*sighs* I DON'T WANNA'! XD I sound like a child doing something they don't wanna' do...Anyway, good night everyone, see you all tomorrow~

Ja ne~ (See you~)
