i'm falling down

I’m falling down now
And I fear I’ll never stop
Past the bleeding clouds and through the bleeding moon
My eyes bleed black and my lips glow bright
And everything is going to be locked away tonight
I fall past you and where I used to be
I ignore your hand
This is my punishment to bear
I see the bottom coming up fast
The place where before I should utter my words of last
The sky around me bleeds
Blue to green
To red to all the colors in between
In a different situation I would have thought beautiful
The bottom comes quickly
Higher and higher to reach me
To introduce me to my fate
Bloody and gruesome
I reach with an arm so frail and broken
Up to you
Even though it is useless
My eyes bleed more and I can already feel the piercing
of what lies below me
but before it comes
I must say one thing
And that is that for you I fell
I would feel my life drain away over and over again
Because I-
its not that good haha ^^;
