Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) [ CRYSTALine ] reality

[ CRYSTALine ] reality
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Original 3D Johan is Original

Evil Johan is Evil

cOLLAGE | Heaven & Hell | Colorful | Glass

Made in da Photoshopz

This is my entry for the "Be My Bad Boy (or GIRL)" wallpaper challenge. I made a wallpaper of a character who I thought was awesome. For me one such character of course was Jesse/Johan Anderson. There are many reasons I think he is an epic character. Mostly for what he goes through in season 3, his personality, and the fact he is targeted by Yubel to get back at Judai.

I pretty much loved Johan (though I knew him as Jesse back then due to the "dub"). I remembered when he first walked on that Duel Academy roof looking for his Ruby Carbuncle spirit and he met Judai. He squeezed his way into my heart that day. It wasn't just about his looks. He had the most amazing personality and voice (yes even in the dub his voice is good). Johan fought for what he believed in, stayed loyal to his Duel Monster Spirits and friends (him and Judai were pretty much like brothers), and he continued to grow as an awesome character as season 3 went on. And then he became possessed by Yubel to get revenge on Judai.

Yubel Johan (aka Jehu in some fanfics) was an interesting character as well. She made Johan act completely out of his natural element. He was insane, calculating, cunning, and just plain evil. But what made Yubel Johan's character unique was the fact that he was well thought out. I never really used to like this character until a few years ago. I started liking Johan's villain side because there was something about him that spoke to me. Maybe it was the eyes, the voice, the way he carried out his plans and dueling. He was just one hell of a badass villain.

In conclusion Johan will always be one of those characters I look up to and admire. Mostly because of his amazing personality. He is one of those rare characters for me that I will never stop loving. I find myself immediately always comparing new characters to him and they never quite live up to him in my mind. He becomes a bad boy when possessed by Yubel, he saves Judai and helps him multiple times even at the end of season 4. Overall he's one hell of a badass awesome character with great traits. He is like Judai but has his own thing going on. That is why I chose Johan as my "bad boy" as it were.


For the wallpaper portion I made a collage of screenshots I had collected of Johan. Please keep in mind that these were extremely hard to find (especially the Yubel Johan ones) and I did my best to make as good of a quality collage as I could. This served as the foundation for what I wanted to create. The background consists of a texture I made awhile back and a broken glass texture added for dramatic effect. Overall this took roughly a couple hours to do. But I'm pretty proud of the result.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. And yes long description was long.

Dedicated to Misachan for creating such an epic challenge. And because I can.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
broken, cards, collage, darkness, duel disk, duelist, evil, glass, good, jehu, jesse, johan anderson, shattered, yu-gi-oh gx, yubel johan
10 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 nikkeh09 ElementalNinja Snowzi XxArrancarFanxX CureRose55 Darkarax misachan83
Member Dedication
Be My Bad Boy (or Girl)

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