Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Yu-Gi-Oh!GX - 20th Anniversary

Yu-Gi-Oh!GX - 20th Anniversary
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Bokeh | Collage | Red texture | another Texture

My First version of this wallpaper

Time Spent: 4 hours

Collage: 68 images

Made in Photoshop CS5

Where do I even begin with this wallpaper? All I know is it took me an extremely long time to make. It took me two attempts to finally arrive at the wallpaper you see now. I made the collage which took me quite some time to find the right images. Overall this wallpaper project took me almost 4 hours to complete.

If you guys don't know, Judai is kind of my anime spirit animal so that made this wallpaper more fun to make. I just really relate to him on a personal level. He's just such an awesome character and is loyal to his friends.

I made this wallpaper as kind of a tribute to Yu-Gi-Oh GX as a whole. Also the new Yu-Gi-Oh movie came out on Friday so I can't wait to see it when somebody subtitles it. Anyway this wallpaper features Judai Yuki in all of his epicness with a collage of various screenshots from the GX anime and a few from the Yu-Gi-Oh Bonds Beyond Time movie. My favorite part was adding the bokeh to give it some more shiny. Overall I'm pretty happy with how all of this turned out.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedicated to Misachan83 because I can.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
20th anniversary, bokeh, card, collage, duelist, epic, jaden yuki, judai, judai yuki, shiny, yu-gi-oh gx, yu-gi-oh!, yuki judai
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CureRose55 nikkeh09 SongBird33 ElementalNinja Snowzi misachan83 Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX allycat2090
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