Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~CODEName: Sailor V~<3

~CODEName: Sailor V~<3
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Sailor V images (A) and (B)


Estimated time of completion: 3-4 hours
Made in Photoshop CS5

Hello everybody, I’m back with another wallpaper. This one took me some time to make and it features Minako Aino as the heroine Sailor V and her aibou (partner) Artemis.

Minako was the first Sailor Senshi awakened by Artemis. Before she met up with the other Senshi, she was Sailor V. She fought crime and looked for information about the mysterious Moon Princess (which we learn is eventually Usagi). She then embraces her true identity of Sailor Venus and joins the Sailor Senshi. I really want to read the Sailor V manga cause it looks so awesome.

This wallpaper was extremely challenging to make; because of the extraction of Sailor V and I spent a lot of time trying to get it to look right. Also I had to extend out some parts of her hair because they got cut off on the original cover image. The background consists of faded images of Sailor V and Artemis with a city and Bokeh. The wallpaper took me 3 to 4 hours to complete. I even added a “Logo” thing to try to make it look like an “official wallpaper.”
I’m relatively happy with how it turned out. And I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedicated to 21Emmz12
Because you inspired me to try something a bit new and different with my wallpapers. And because you always inspire me to become a better artist and mostly because you’re one of my best friends on here.

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
artemis, bishoujo senshi sailor moon, bokeh, cat, city, codename sailor v, minako aino, mooncat, sailor moon, sailor v, sailor venus
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19 members Favoritefavorite
KinomiyaMichiru fairyofwind2001 CureRose55 tethysal hamstergirl 21Emmz12 Kiiika Miracle Star19 dr Muraki Zuzu Uchiha Sailor Universe XxArrancarFanxX Darkarax nikkeh09 allycat2090
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