Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Enter! Yuya Sakaki!

Enter! Yuya Sakaki!
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Yuya Sakaki
Brushes from Obsidian Dawn
Made with Photoshop CS5

Another new wallpaper from me. Trying to make and upload more wallpapers when I have the time. This one is a bit different from my usual style of wallpaper but I always like trying new things and I still want to improve as an artist.
This wallpaper features Yuya Sakaki, the new protagonist of the newest Yu-Gi-Oh series Arc-V. To say a bit about Yuya (what I know) is that he his striving to be a professional entertainment duelist like his father before him. He receives a lot of ridicule because his father didn't show up to a duel and was therefore dubbed a coward. What I have seen of Yuya is that he seems to be strong willed,has good friends,and a sense of humor. I've watched the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V,I actually liked it. It was different from the previous Yu-Gi-oH series that came before and I think it will be pretty good. It just started this month. I hope to watch more of it soon.
The wallpaper itself was a challenge. Mostly because of the extraction of Yuya. It took me a couple hours just to do that part. It also took me a bit to design the background so I could capture Yuya's personality if you will. I ended up designing my own textures with brushes and effects from Photoshop. All the hard work aside I am happy with how it turned out. Title comes from the first episode title of Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. :)
I may upload my textures here and link them here at some point.
Dedication: Hifsa
Because I simply love your wallpapers and you're an amazing artist and just a really overall sweet person. *huggles you*

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
arc-v, brushes, city, stars, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh arc-V, yuya sakaki
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8 members Favoritefavorite
CureRose55 MangaKid Hifsa allycat2090 Darkarax clueless101
Member Dedication

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