Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Shin Ai-D.e.e.p.L.O.V.E~<3

Shin Ai-D.e.e.p.L.O.V.E~<3
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Title/Song Inspiration:Shin Ai-Mizuki Nana

TEXTURE [1] [2] [3] [4]
Background Fibers made with this tutorial in PSCS5

The 2nd wallpaper in my Sailor Senshi series. Here is a wallpaper featuring Sailor Venus.
To explain the title a little bit,the song Shin Ai(Deep Love) by Nana Mizuki was playing in my head at the time I made this wallpaper. The title just stuck also it is related to Sailor Venus because her power/element is love. I would have gone with a heart theme for the background but it didn't really fit with the magic theme I had in mind which I went with. Sailor Venus is another favorite character of mine from Sailor Moon. I always have liked her and her cat Artemis. She is stubborn but kind and will stand up for what she believes in. She is true to her name as the champion of love and justice in every way and this is way I like her.
The wallpaper is a bit difficult to explain. Basically I started out with fibers and just went from there. I was originally going to have a darker background but it ended up being lighter cause of the bokeh textures and it ended up fitting her color scheme better. I really liked how it turned out. The bokeh textures gave it more of a magical theme too. Also I used a few other textures to make it more starry like too. I liked the vector and had to make a wallpaper of it. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.
Dedication:SweeTea-in a way you're a lot like Sailor Venus. You love your friends and you care about them. You're a truly epic friend to everyone here including myself. You're amazing in more ways than I can say. I loves you to pieces Ruby-chan. You're always my Ruby forever. Love ya~<3

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
bokeh, eternal sailor venus, magic, minako, sailor moon, sailor venus, sparkles
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