image No textures for this one.
So for this one, I used my sister cloudxstrife.
I chose Zack Fair for the first wall I'm going to make for her.
Reasons she's like Zack. the worst part for challenges like this.
She is very protective of her friends, and would do anything to help them in a heartbeat.
She is willing to help out strangers with things they need, although she doesn't really know them. I say this because he is willing to try and save Genesis, even though he didn't know him, and he wasn't even a good person and he still did.
She is loyal to her friends, and family, as well as to herself and sticking through with her dreams trying to make what she wants happen, happen.
She can be cheerful, and optimistic even in the worst times.
She can be outgoing, and a bit slow at times also.
She can also be energetic at times also.