riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Peaceful Moment

Peaceful Moment
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Title: Peaceful Moment
Series: Code Geass
Characters: Kallen, C.C., Rolo, Lelouch
My Comment: I know there are already a lot of Code Geass wallpapers out there...but one more can't hurt, right ladies? *wink* No one would turn down the chance to have another wallpaper with LELOUCH on it, riiiiight?
Well here's my newest Code Geass wallpaper, Peaceful Moment. It was originally named Peaceful Fun For Now...but that was way too long and the wallpaper doesn't hint at anything bad to come, ne? So I then chanced it to Peaceful Times...but then I thought, "This wallpaper doesn't show multiple peaceful times..." So next I called it Peaceful Moments. But then I was like, "this isn't momentS...it's A moment." So at last we came to "Peaceful Moment".
Anyone who watches the series knows that this is just a single passing moment of peace the series can off since otherwise, it's all crazy and wild. So I hope everyone likes the wallpaper. The image (all of it) was a scan I found at Minitokyo. I added the little effects to give it a nice look as well as worked on the shading and stuff. So the scan turned into a wallpaper and is what you see before you now. I hope everyone enjoys. Yum...Lelouch with an open shirt...*wink*

[EDIT] I thought the border around the wallpaper might be a tad much for some people, so I took it off. But it's only available in 1600x1200 on my site. So if ya want it without the border, just go get it from my site real fast and then go back to ya browsin'.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpapers
beach, c.c., cc, code, geass, kallen, lelouch, moment, peaceful, rolo
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