The Bells of the Death Note Ryu

The next day, L was restless. He had the same dream as last, louder and more vivid than before. He paced around the building; more people were dying. Light was revealing nothing that would prove his innocence or his guilt. The rest of the team was useless in deduction as usual. Misa visited Light for only minutes, before skipping off into the world again…A definite possibility, thought L.

A meeting was called to address the killings, and for L, to briefly question Misa’s behavior. Nothing was gained. L looked at the Death Note while the rest continued talking. The torn out corner still irritated him, as did the thirteen day rule. Thirteen days…this is the only…

I can test it, thought L. A criminal that would be executed in thirteen days can write the name of another death row inmate, one that has a shorter, predetermined lifespan. If the one the writes the name dies in thirteen days, then the rule will be proved true…but if he doesn’t…well…he’ll die anyway, and Light will have a hard time proving his innocence, as well as Misa. When everybody had left the meeting, he called on Watari to explain his plan. Watari was to make the proper arrangements. L was too distracted on things he couldn’t deduce…

The plan would not work. L realized this as he walked towards the roof of the building, hoping that the pounding of rain would knock the Bells out of his head. If the thirteen day rule was indeed bogus, and that Light was Kira, then he can kill the criminal in thirteen days as easily as he had killed those sixteen people the day before. Something else, thought L, and now. He opened the door to the rooftop, stepping outside under a small roof, shielding him from the barrage of rain. He walked out into the storm, and the Bells rang louder than ever before. He looked to the sky, hoping that the answer would present itself in the clouds.

“I’m hoping for illogical paths to hard-to-find answers. Looking at the clouds…I must be so out of focus. If only these bells…” he stopped his mindless murmur as he heard a door slam. Light was staring at him from under the roof, saying something. L put his hand to his ear, cup-like, signing that he couldn’t hear. Light yelled louder.
“What are you doing, Ryuuzaki?”
L heard him just fine, but continued his feigned deafness, throwing in a rare smile. Light sighed in annoyance, and walked out to him.

L gazed at Light as he walked closer. For just a second, the Bells stopped their terrible toll. Only one thought ran through his head.

Light is Kira.

I need to stall him. It is certain. He is Kira. I need to kill him before he kills others, and me. L remained emotionless on the outside, while his thoughts raged inside his mind. He started talking to Light, but he wasn’t thinking about that; the lips moved, but it was just mindless impulses, even if true. He stared at Light’s watch. It’s the only that has ever remained constant about Light since the day L met him. L was familiar with the model as well, as Watari used to have the same one. L knew it’s little secret…and was sure Light put it to good use.

“Let’s go back inside.” Said Light, “we’re both soaked.”

L complied. As they walked back, a lightning bolt struck the radio tower, just twenty yards away. L took this as his chance. He grasped onto Light’s left arm in fear, as if L’s only weakness was thunder. He quickly snapped the strap on the watch, but left it on Light’s wrist, still clutching it like it was a lifeline.

“Ryuuzaki, get a hold of yourself.” Light looked at him oddly, not expecting such odd behavior.
“You’re right,” said L, as he slowly let go of Light’s arm and delicately gave the loose watch a downwards push. “That was unlike me.” The watch fell off with little contact. With all the rain, Light didn’t even notice.

Light was on the steps, rubbing his head with a towel. L slowly walked in, drying his own hair.
“Wow,” started L, “that was quite an ordeal, wasn’t it?”
“It’s all your fault for going out in that downpour.”
“True. I’m sorry.”

L looked at Light reverently, and then walked down the steps to his feet. He picked one of them up. Light flinched, surprised.

“What are you doing, Ryuuzaki?”
“Thought I’d help. You seemed to be drying yourself with quite some fervor.”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to do something like that.”
“I’ll throw in a massage? At least allow me to atone for this. I’m not all that bad at it.”
Light sighed. “Do as you please.”

L started rubbing his feet, and couldn’t help but think of the Bible. Jesus washed the feet of all of his apostles, and of course, washed the feet of his betrayer, Judas. Judas, who had been his friend, yet also his last enemy. L felt he needed to do this. To have one more time with his friend, before he departed with his enemy and rival.

“Sad, isn’t it?” asked L
“It’s nearly time to say farewell.”
The Bells struck their last note.

Date Published
04/19/09 (Originally Created: 04/06/09)
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