Al Bhed Indeed Haru 93

Jasper stayed with me all evening. We did chat – about all sorts of random things – but mostly we simply sat in a comfortable silence. The crimson sunset cast a warm glow over the room, making me realise how late it really was. I sighed, resting my head on Jasper’s shoulder. “What’s up?” he asked, tucking a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. “Well,” I sighed, “It’s getting late. And that means that you’re going to have to go soon, aren’t you?” Jasper smiled, and finally took my hand. “I promise that while you’re awake, I’ll be here. I’ll slip home and get changed and whatnot before coming back before you wake up.” I smiled.

“Why…why would you do all this for someone you barely know?” I asked, fearing the answer. He sniggered quietly before his face grew more serious, softer. “I…I saw you the first time you came in. After the fire. I was watching your progress for most of the time. I gathered together all the gossip I could about you, and pieced it together…And then you came in again. You…you have a very interesting, um, ‘home’ situation. So I spoke to everyone; your brother, Rin, Rikku, Brother, Julian, George. And then I found out that you have your condition. I mean, I dunno…there’s just something about you that I can’t…I can’t explain it. I’m just drawn to you; I want to be with you.” I couldn’t help smiling again, and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. “I get that, too. There’s something about you that just…makes me want to stay near you. Promise you’ll come back tomorrow?” He promised again, so I finally let him tuck me into bed. I stared at Jasper’s face, taking in all his features. His face was almost cheeky when he smiled; his eyes glinted mischievously in the glow of the moon; his hand fit perfectly around mine. He was still there when I closed my eyes.

I looked up with a surprising amount of happiness, considering what I was about to do. Julian and George looked at one another in awkwardness, and I stood up, level with the two of them. “George.” He looked deep into my eyes, the misery clear upon his face: His sister’s betrayal was still painful to him. “You are wonderful. Truly amazing, I’ve had such wonderful times with you. You’re like me in so many ways, and I can talk to you about anything. I’d gladly spend the rest of my life with you.” He blushes deeply and looked down to his shoes as Julian did the same.

“Julian.” He looked up to me, sadness in his eyes also. “You are perfection in every possible sense. I’ve been so close to you for so long, and finally being with you in person is sure to bring immense joy to my life. I can’t believe you’re finally here… and that you’d do this for me.” He blushed also and returned his gaze to the floor as I jumped back on the bed, laying down and staring at the ceiling. I smiled, also surprisingly. “And now, the weight is lifted off my shoulders. No more heartbreak, no more pain. Not for me. My choice, between the two of you?” I stood up and addressed them both. “Would you ever date each other?” They both shook their heads, and I could tell they were telling the truth.

“Ahh, okay then. Well my decision stands.” I smiled and skipped to the wardrobe, pulling off my shirt and dropping it to the floor, taking Julian’s hands and placing them round my waist. “Hmm… Perfect. As usual.” I moved his hands and grabbed a new, black shirt from my wardrobe, quickly applying my eyeliner. The rain began to pour down outside and I smiled even more as I put on some mascara. “George, sleeping next to you was fantastic, just so you know. Julian, those times we saw one another, I never want to forget those.” I smiled and opened my bedroom door, nearly bumping into Rikku and Brother who stood eavesdropping at the door. “My choice? Neither of you. I’m done with heartbreak.”

I smiled as Rikku and Brother looked at one another in shock, Julian lowering down onto the bed and George shuffling slightly. I strode to the apartment’s front door, and opened it quickly, leaping down the stairs and opening the door into the rain. I leapt out, the only one in the pouring rain, “Misery Business” playing from someone’s apartment, I span around, dancing and singing. “It just feels SO good!”

I woke up yawning. “Good rest?” That voice…it had a playful edge even in the early mornings. “Yes, surprisingly,” I laughed, opening my eyes to find Jasper looking at me with a content smile decorating his innocent face. “You’d think I’d sleep less after being out for four days.” Jasper laughed as he stood up, walking over to the window and opening the blinds. “Wow,” he whistled. I sprang out of bed and joined him. “Wow,” I echoed. For covering the weak grass was a clear blanket of fresh snow. It cast a soft whiteness over the room that was almost warm.

“Let’s go build a snowman!” I laughed. Jasper tutted, “Now that wouldn’t be good for your recovery, would it? Alright…I’ll sneak you out somehow. You’ll be safe with me.” I grinned. “I know I will.” I jumped over to the wardrobe to dig out some clean clothes while Jasper snuck off to find some gloves. I was just pulling on my jumper when he knocked gently on the door and slipped in. “Okay, I’m ready. You done?” I nodded and pulled on my shoes, getting up again. Jasper slipped a pair of gloves onto my hand and pushed a hat on. “You’ll muss up my hair!” I laughed, but I let him do it – considering that he was about to sneak me out of hospital for a few hours.

We had just given our snowman a definable shape when fresh flakes began to tumble down from the white snow. “You know,” Jasper said, “somehow, it seems significant that I’m seeing the first snow with you…” I pressed down my handful of snow before looking at him. He was gazing down with something almost sad in his expression. “What’s the matter?” I asked, winding my arms around his waist. “Well…I think…I care about you in-in a way that’s…more than friends, you know? But…well, your brother told me about Mitsu…” I swallowed. “Oh! I’m sorry…you must not like hearing his name…”

I shook my head. “Um…I was in love with him. I guess that I still am…But…well, I think…I might like you too…I know that’s cruel, it isn’t fair to you – or him, but…I dunno…when I’m around you, I feel more…human again. I don’t think about him so much, because…because I’m only thinking about you. I’m sorry…” Jasper made a disagreeing noise, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. We stood like that, together, for a while, while the pristine snowflakes fell around us. “I have a question,” I said brightly. “When the snow melts, what does it become?” Jasper chuckled. “Um, water?” I reached up and tapped his nose gently. “Nope. It becomes spring. So even when it’s cold, you can know that spring is right around the corner. It’ll come, it always does.”

While Jasper laughed into my hair, I carried on in a softer tone. “You know, spring might be my favourite season – despite all the damn pollen setting off my hayfever. You know why? It’s because spring is full of fresh starts, new beginnings. You know? Maybe a new beginning is too much for me to hope for, but…I know I don’t deserve anything, but…isn’t this a fresh start? Whatever we become, it’ll be new. Pure. Uncorrupted. So…will you…be my…fresh start?” He chuckled. “In spite of your cheesiness, sure, I’ll be your ‘fresh start’.” I grinned and embraced him tighter than before. “Thank you,” I whispered into his chest, feeling tears well up again.

Haru 93
Date Published
02/08/09 (Originally Created: 02/08/09)
The World That Never Was
Final Fantasy X Fan Words
5 hugs hug
4 members Favoritefavorite
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