Halloween! Haru 93

Now there were just three boys, one girl and me. They were all staring at me, waiting for something to happen. “Ooh! I’ve got another story!” I squealed, and started my tale. “It was Halloween, the night the witches roam freely, and one witch in particular was very excited. She was on the prowl for blood…” I began coldly.

By the end of my story, the only remaining girl was shaking in fear. I laughed evilly at the end, and she screamed. Her boyfriend was sitting next to her, and just rolled his eyes. “I don’t like it!” she squeaked. He didn’t say anything back. “Well? I just said I don’t like it! What are you gonna do then?” He just shrugged, and she stood up quickly. “You are going to walk me home like the gentleman that I wish you were!” she commanded, grabbing his arm and dragging him away. I looked at the last two boys. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to join them?” I asked with a malicious grin on my face. They shook their heads.

Just then, a werewolf howl echoed around the clearing. One boy sat up. “Maybe I will go,” he said in a wooden voice, and rose to leave in a dignified manner. However, when the second howl floated in, he gave up all pretences and bolted away in the direction of the houses. I lay on my back, staring up at the thick canopy. It wasn’t long before the last boy joined me.

“Shouldn’t you be getting back too?” I asked him. “Nope,” he yawned, “I’ve got all night.” I sighed, and decided to act. I rolled onto my side and looked into his eyes. “Well, that’s good,” I whispered. He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Because I’m feeling quite…hungry. And I’m rather sure that you will taste really nice.” I bared my plastic fangs at him, and he yelled loudly before sprinting through the trees.

Once he had gone, I couldn’t stop laughing. I ran out of breath, and had to lean against an ancient tree to support myself. I heard footsteps behind me, and turned round to congratulate my siblings on their wonderful help. “Did you see their faces? They were terrified! Thanks for your help, guys,” I laughed to my brother and sister.

They looked at each other, then back at me. “You can take your mask off, now, sis,” I said, but she shook her head. “You seem to be mistaken.” Her voice was cold and high. “I am not your sister, and I will not remove my mask. It protects my identity.” I laughed to mask my uncertainty. “What’s up with you? Just cus it’s Halloween, you wanted to show off?” I chuckled. She cocked her head to one side. “You do not believe me?” A shiver ran through me, but I snorted, not wanting to admit I was terrified. Any minute now, my sister would take off her mask and if I acted scared, she would mock me for years.

My brother turned to me now. “You think she jests, perhaps?” His voice was the complete opposite of my sister’s tonight; slow and deep, booming out. I looked from one face to the other – or technically, from one mask to the other. “Guys, quit messing around.” I was surprised at how shaky and shrill my voice came out. “We do not…mess around. Our plans are always perfect.” I pushed my hair back with a trembling hand. ‘What’s your plan then?’ I wanted to ask, but the words caught in my throat and all that came out was a strangled hiss.

The two people began edging towards me with steady strides. I backed away slightly, knowing now that these people were not my siblings. My foot caught in a tree root that had snaked up from the dark earth, and I fell to the ground in a blur of darkness. I tried to scream, but my voice seemed to have curled up and died inside of me. The woman towered over me, and through the mask’s eyeholes, I could see a murderous glint. My hands searched frantically for anything to protect myself with; a stick, a rock. But there was nothing. I threw my arms up in front of my face to try and shield myself.

I knew it was all over when she took my arm with a vice-like grip that I couldn’t shake off, no matter how hard I struggled. And then she dragged me through the trees and into the night…

Haru 93
Date Published
10/20/08 (Originally Created: 10/19/08)
The World That Never Was
Personal Fan Words
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