Silver Hair and Summer Heat TsukasaXKwassaXKw


Two months had passed since the day, and on the outside at least, Reno seemed to be fully recovered. He joked, made sarcastic comments at nearly every office meeting and had even gone back to tormenting Elena in his spare time. All the mission work he did was excellent, though his paperwork was as shoddy as ever. But Rude, Elena and Tseng all knew what was on the surface only ran so deep. Once or twice, Elena had seen him coming out of the out of the bathroom, wiping at red eyes. Rude had caught him at the bar, not flirting with girls as he usually did, but staring sadly into space. And Tseng could just tell there was something off in his mannerisms. He seemed slightly faded, not the same Reno that he used to be.

One night Reno sat on his porch, drinking directly from a carton of orange juice laced with vodka. The unbearable heat had subsided, which made Reno glad, as all the heat served to do was allow painful memories to resurface.

‘Not that they don’t anyway,’ he thought bitterly, chewing at his lip.

“You probably shouldn’t do that,” someone said a slim man with long black hair who had stopped in front of him. Reno laughed hollowly.

“Yo, not meaning to be rude or anything, but who the hell are—” Reno looked up and stopped talking immediately. The man’s eyes were shining and blue green. He smiled at the redhead. “Yazoo?” Reno asked, scarcely able to believe it was him. The man brought a pale slender finger to his lips.

“I don’t want to exactly spread it around that I’m back. It might cause problems, you know.”

Reno was rendered utterly speechless. He spouted gibberish, dropping the carton of juice. He stood and hugged the man, tears of joy coming to his eyes.

“I’ve missed you too,” Yazoo said quietly. He placed his arms around the redhead and squeezed him hard, glad to be back.

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed it. Considering I didn't even like it so much to begin with, I am very happy with the way that it turned out. I might write a sequel, might not... I dunno, it's up to you. Would anybody like me to write one? XD

Oh, and a bit on Tseng's character:

I just finished watching Last Order, which definitely delves into his character a lot more than anything else. It seemed to portray him as someone who is discontent with the horrible orders he is forced to carry out by his company, a representation which I wanted to carry on in my story as well. Again I hope you liked it!

Peace, love and chocobos! ~Tsukasa

Date Published
08/08/09 (Originally Created: 07/12/09)
My totally weird Reno thing
Final Fantasy VII Fan Words
5 hugs hug
7 members Favoritefavorite
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