The Host Club's Favorite KaoruLuva13

Chapter 7 - Spring Break Part 1

Kaoru tossed objects everywhere, looking under things, tearing things apart, and opening dressers looking for a certain object for the trip. “Hikaru, where is my blue shirt?! You know, the one with the dragon coming off the side.”

Hikaru was sitting on the bed playing his game boy trying to defeat the last level of super Mario. “I don’t know. Did you check in the laundry basket? It should be in there unless you took it out before that.” Hikaru turned his game boy off and placed it on bed next to him, folding his hands and planting his chin on top of them. “Why? I mean you only wear that shirt when you want to impress girls-“Hikaru sat up straight with a huge grin spread across his face. “Are you going to wear that to impress Seramea?” he asked standing up and walking over to his younger brother.

Kaoru was by his desk in the room stuffing clothes into his suitcase along with deodorant, cologne, a tooth brush and tooth paste, and anything he could get his hands on, not paying attention where it went. Kaoru’s face turned a bright pink and cleared his throat, hoping he didn’t have to answer. He lifted his head towards Hikaru and then back to his bag. “No, what makes you say that?”

Hikaru was now leaning on the wall next to him with his left hand on his hip and his eyes screaming I-Know-What-you’re-doing-I’m-not-stupid. “Kaoru, I hope you have a good time on this trip.”

“You too Hikaru, you too.” Kaoru said as he packed his last things and then walked over to his bed and collapsing on it in exhaustion.


“How are we going to get to Tokyo?” Naomi asked as she pushed her bags into the trunk of the limo. After she was done she walked over where Chime, Mai, and I were standing right in front of us.

“We’re going to fly in a plane,” She took a peak at her watch and glanced back up at us with a grin. “We have to meet the boys at the airport in 30 minutes. So we better head out right now.” She walked over to the limo and opened the door holding her hand in front of it, gesturing us to hop in the backseat.

I adjusted my posture and walked to the limo hopping in and sitting by the window holding a small book bag in my lap. Coming after me, Mai hopped in right next to me and Chime and Naomi getting in and sitting in front of us across the back of the limo. “Hey where’s Saamoki?” I asked shuffling my bag to the floor between my feet.

“Oh Saamoki, she’s escorting my cousins to the hotel. Did I not tell you that I invited them?” She asked as she was laying across the back of the seat stretching her arms in exhaustion. She shot her head up at the thought and then became saddened to the thought she had. “I’m sorry! I forgot about you and Gail, I didn’t mean to invite him he just kept begging and begging.”

My head slowly lowered down, my eyes felt like they were going to overflow with tears, but I didn’t let them. I kept them back, lifting my head towards the three and shook my head. “No, it’s fine. He’s a jerk anyways. There is no way I’m going to let him get to me on this trip.”

I knew I didn’t want him coming on the trip, that loser made my life a living hell! He just cheated with me for no reason, I didn’t even expect it, and I thought I was good to him.

“Seramea, are you ok?” Mai asked looking at me with worry on her face.

I flicked out of my concentration and turned quickly to her. My head started nodding up and down frantically, I don’t want to them to know that I’m uncomfortable with him coming. “Yea just peachy," I quickly gave a fake smile and the flicked my head back around to look out the window.


“Kyouya, When are they going to get here?!” Tamaki asked in his annoying voice like always. He was standing behind Kyouya looking over his shoulders.

Kyouya was placing his black notebook back in his bag, like always he has to take that thing everywhere he goes. “Chime was the one on the phone a couple of minutes ago; she said they were going to be here in 5 minutes. So cool your jets.”

Tamaki, like always, found a corner in the airport and started to sulk before Hikaru and Kaoru stopped him by putting themselves in the way.

“Tono, you know what Saamoki said. Do you want us to repeat it?” the twins said in agreement nodding their heads still with their hands out.

Tamaki dropped his head in disbelief. He totally forgot about Saamoki and her having a freak out because he sulks a lot. “Yea I forgot and I’m still not going to sulk!” Tamaki said rising his hand in the air dramatically.

Next thing, Hunny could be seen coming around the corner of the airport with Usa-Chan dangling out of his arms. “Tama-Chan their here! Can we have cake now?” Hunny asked approaching them with a cutesy face.

Tamaki patted the top of Hunny’s head and then Usa-Chan’s bending down to their height, like I did when I first met him. “No Hunny-Senpai, not until we get on the plane. I’m sorry.” Tamaki stood back up and headed outside to see me get out of the car last. He ran up to me grabbing my hands and jumping up and down. “Yeah, hotel time. Where’s Saamoki?”

My face went from a smile to a slight frown and then thought to myself that I needed to get over it and suck it up. “She’s escorting Chime’s three cousins to the hotel. She invited them too.” I said as I walked past him to Hunny and the Twins. “Hello, ready to head for the plane?” I asked as I held my book bag in front of my legs.

All three of them nodded and Hunny skipped to the gate entrance with Mori following quickly behind. Kaoru took a step towards me, he had his hands in his pockets so it looked like he was an Igor slumped like that. “So, do you want me to get your bags from the limo?”

I gave him a small grin but then raised an eyebrow at the thought. “It would be a pleasure, but Mac has the bags.” I turned my head towards the limo with Kaoru’s head turning that direction seeing Mac grabbing all of the bags out of the trunk.

Kaoru’s face became a fail-I-thought-it-would-have-been-nice-to-do-something-for-her. Kaoru lifted his hand and waved it like he was saying bye. “Oh no problem I just thought it would be nice to offer.” He turned back around and walked back to his brother and hugged him tightly. “I so failed.” He said while Hikaru stood there with a blank face slowly patting his back.

“Airline to Tokyo boarding at gate 12, Airline to Tokyo boarding at gate 12, and the plane will be living in 20 minutes.” The announcer said over the intercom.

“Well, let’s head to the gate.” Mai said to everyone as she walked along side Hikaru. “So Hikaru, do you think you’re going to have fun on the trip?”

Hikaru was alongside Kaoru and me, mimicking Kaoru’s walk. “Oh, yea." He answered looking to the side and down at Mai. He never really pays attention to anyone but Kaoru, and Kaoru makes him pay attention to me, so he basically pays attention to us two.

Mai’s face saddened a tad and looked back up to find them at the gate.
“Ticket? Ticket? Ticket?” The flight attendant asked holding his hand out and gathering the tickets and giving them another piece of parchment.

Once we all got our paper we headed on to the plane and walked up the steps onto the big hunk of metal.

“Whoa, man this plane is bigger than my private plane!” I said admiring the designs of the seats and the aisles. “Uh I have 2B.” I said scrolling through the aisles and filing into my section putting my book bag up in the space above my seat.

Hikaru came up from behind me and grabbed my shoulder making me screech and turn around so quickly that it even gave him a heart attack. “Oh Hikaru, you scared me!” I said holding my chest where my heart is.

“Yea, well you scared me as well, screeching like that. Anyways, I need in,” He held up his paper and gave me a small grin. “I’m in 1B.”

My shoulders became more intense at the thought of me sitting with Hikaru. He is nothing like Kaoru but at least it’s nice to sit next to someone I can relate to. “Oh right.” I said as I stepped out into the aisle letting him by. Once he sat down I sat in my spot stretching my arms out over my head. “I wonder who everyone is sitting with.” I said as I turned around and looked to see who everyone is sitting with. “Well, it looks like Naomi is sitting with Mori; they are such a cute couple. Mai is sitting with Kaoru, amazing. Chime is sitting with Hunny; they are also a cute couple. Then that leaves Tamaki and Kyouya sitting together. Wow, this is going to be an amazing flight.” I said as I turned back into my seat letting out a big sigh.

My head turned to my right to Hikaru, seeing he let out a snicker or a chuckle, I really couldn’t tell since he had his hand over his mouth. “Huh, what’s so funny?” I asked with a smirk, slightly laughing along.

Hikaru turned his head towards me with a smile and him still laughing. “Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just…you’re different from typical Ouran girls.” He said turning his position in his seat a little bit towards me more.

“Should I take that as an insult or a compliment?” I asked laughing again. He is like Kaoru, not totally like him but in I’m-your-friend-I-have-to-make-you-laugh deal.

“Defiantly a compliment.” He said looking at with a grin and his eyes closed shut for the spare of the moment.

X x X

“So, what do you think they’re talking about?” Kaoru asked Mai, bopping his right leg up and down in curiosity.

Mai was reading ‘Tokyo Mew Mew’ like she normally did with her spare time. She slightly lifted her head looking towards me and Hikaru, Hikaru was trying to feed me a piece of shrimp the flight attendant just brought us, and I’m laughing trying to get him to stop. “Well, I guess they’re just having a good time with the flight. Even though the plane hasn’t left yet.”

Kaoru’s face became worried and stressed. What if Hikaru falls for Seramea? Even worse, what if Seramea falls for Hikaru?! He brought his hands up and popped them as a nerves reflex and started to fiddle with them.

Mai lifted her head from her manga once more and placed her hand on Kaoru’s left shoulder. “It’s ok, she doesn’t like Hikaru.” She said trying to calm him down.

Kaoru moved his head toward her, with his eyes looking serious as ever. “What if she does? Then I’m never going to have a chance!” He yelled in a hushed toned. “I don’t want to lose her to my brother, of all people.” He complained as his eyes started to close slowly and his head turning back.

Mai’s face was filled with sorrow for Kaoru. She knew how he felt, she liked Hikaru and never told anyone because she thought no one would care or think they would think she was weird. She took her eyes out of site of the depressed boy and turned them back to the manga.

Next thing we knew, the announcer came on the intercom telling us that we were fixing to head off. Right when she said that the plane took off in the sky and everything was back to normal.

X x X

Hikaru threw the piece of shrimp back on the plate while holding his stomach, since he has been laughing so hard it was bound to start hurting. “Oh my goodness, that was funny.” He said with another good laugh.

I pulled the hair out of my face and sat up straight in my seat while still laughing, combing the back of my hair down as well. “That was amazing. How did it start?” I asked slipping out my last laugh.

“Well, it started with you saying that you didn’t like shrimp and then I started to try and force some down your throat.”

I let out a small giggle and shook my head. “Ah yea that’s it.”

X Two Hours Later X

I lifted my head up from my pillow, noticing that it was on Hikaru’s arm. I wiped the side of my mouth, getting my drool off of it. I looked around and found everyone asleep. I got up and started walking to the bathroom when I came to section D seeing Hunny laying on Chime’s arm and Chime lying on Hunny’s head. “Aw, that’s so cute.” I whispered and then kept my pace up until I hit the bathroom. Once I stepped in and closed the door I headed for the mirror combing through my hair with my fingers. I opened the door again to find Hikaru standing in front of the door rubbing the back of his head yawning. I gasped, and then held my hand in front of my mouth making sure I didn’t wake anyone else. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” I asked.

Hikaru let a yawn and then stared at me for what feels like an hour. “No, I woke on my own. Can I get into the bathroom?” He asked putting his hand in his pockets.

I straightened up at the question and moved out of the way and walked back down the aisle and back into my seat.


“The plane will be landing in 2 minutes.” The pilot announced over the intercom getting everyone’s attention.

“Mori-Senpai, did you have a good flight?” Naomi asked getting ready for the plane to land. She made sure her seat belt was on, no one wants to have their seat belts undone when the plane lands.

Like always Mori’s face expression was straight and concentrated on something. “Yeah.”

The plane started gliding downward for a minute or two until it hit the surface of the ground. Once the plane was stopped everyone grabbed their things from above them and handed them to Mac. When everyone was on the ground Chime leads everyone to the limo. “Here we go just a five minute ride and we are at the hotel.” She said with a bright smile.

Everyone gathered in the limo, this one looking bigger than the last. Once they got to the hotel they all huddled out of the limo and in front of the hotel.

“Here we are, The Abamaki Private Hotel #1.” She said with a bright smile flashed on her face.

Date Published
08/11/09 (Originally Created: 07/18/09)
The Host Club's Favorite
Ouran High School Host Club Fan Words
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