cougarsama (Fan Art Portfolio) Why am I alone?

Why am I alone?
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I decided to enter this piece in kima75's 'Good old sci-fi' challenge because it's Frankenstein which is definitely one of the original science fiction pieces. And yes, we now would have the technology to surgically put together a human and maybe bring it to life via electroshock or something, but to make it actually sentient and with a conscience? And don't call in a computer; I'm talking a completely organic being.

In 'Frankenstein', the creature (as he's called throughout the novel) wanders around the mountains because he decides at first that he'll stay away from humans so he doesn't scare them. (Yeah, he was really nice at first, but through human rejection he got mean.) Anyway, he takes shelter in a lean-to attached to a cottage where an old man and his son and daughter live and they're later joined by the son's fiancee, who was initially separated from him due to political and other circumstances. (Just read the book.) The creature learns a lot by observing this family, including about emotions of love and tenderness and reflects that he is not likely to ever have chance at such things. Initially, I was going to draw him with another person actually face-to-face, but decided I liked this. I drew this piece backstage one night during a drama production I'm involved in and when I was coloring and doing the background I didn't have much lighting to work with, but I still like how it came out.

Other Books/Comics Fan Art
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3 members Favoritefavorite
Zuzu Uchiha nimbusoak kima75
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Good old Sci-Fi
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