hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) Ask an Artist Anything

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This is going to be the manga cover for my new manga "Ask an artist anything" this is where you guys can ask me anything that you want from being personal to advice whatever it is you can ask. :) if you want to ask me a question you can comment, send me a message, or even do a cute little drawing dedicated to me asking me a question (i would love that >.<)

so i really do hope i get lots of questions! and don't be shy! >.< ♥ just keep the questions rated pg-13 :) ♥

now this piece took me a long time to do i literally took my time on drawing this and coloring it out. I actually got a blender for my color pencils so this is my first time using the new blender ♥ so i'm not sure how many hours i spent on this but it took time. When it will be the cover there will be more to it on it but for now enjoy this piece of work of mine :) ♥ and you will see it again in the manga section

Dedicated to mangakid the reason being that she is so excited about this >.< ♥ and she does have wonderful artwork :)

Love, Rose ♥

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, anwser, faq, manga, me, question, rose
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8 members Favoritefavorite
NoirAngel allycat2090 Darkarax Miracle Star19 MangaKid Hanako Sho
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