Chel the Bell (Fan Art Portfolio) Sketch DUMP

Sketch DUMP
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OH GOSH. I was gonna wait until I had more pictures to do this... but, as it turns out, I already have a lot of pictures. LOL, I didn't even put some on here... maybe I'll do a second dump... BUT I DOUBT IT. Maybe I'll man up and actually finish something decent

SO WHAT DO WE GOT HERE? Can you even see? Weird stuff man weird stuff....

I'ma list stuff in a weird order... hopefully you'll understand which picture I'm talking about...

SO FIRST OFF... a forest... area thing. Because I saw a video on stumbleupon where this guy painted this coolio forest and was like "TOTES GONNA COPY THAT" so I did... But not like legit copied... jacked the idea and sort of the method... the style? I dunno. He did it with paint. I didn't.

Next to that is a sketchy-poo of one of my Oblivion characters. She's a Master Wizard and a Knight of the Nine. When she's not using magic to summon up scamps or shield, she punches people in the face more like the legs. I really like her... but I like all my Oblivion characters.

THEN NEXT TO THAT GOING DOWN are some Paint doodles of my characters that my brother hijacked... Gavin and Milly and a Blue Ogre. Drew the ogre first and dug it so drew Milly and Gavin. I haven't drawn them in forever... I forgot what they look like. Also they are that tiny... I didn't have to scale them at all!

Then I have some fanart. Under Ogre is suppose to be Dean Winchester being all "ROCK ON" with a little Castiel shoulder angel... but who knows what it really is.. And next to that is a Paint Lestrade. I wanted to draw Donovan and Anderson too... but I'm so terribly lazy. Also Lestrade is leaning like crazy and it bothers me!

Next to that is a Sherlock profile portrait I drew using the ink tool on GIMP. Loads of fun too do, even if it looks pretty bad. Also my cursive handwriting! And a signature!

Next to that is a fisherman... I SOB WHEN I REALIZE I CAN'T DRAW PEOPLE. But I like his nose, so there's that I suppose (TEEHEE RHYMES).

Under that is a picture I was doing for a colour scheme challenge I never finished. I was trying to base all the colour schemes on songs... I only got that one done. It's based on "Walkin on the Sun" by Smash Mouth (I think).

Next to that is the only thing I didn't really draw. I obsessed with Sherlock, My brother with Homestuck. I said it would be cool if there was Holmestuck. He bothered me about it, and then using a base thing he sent me, I made a Sherlock. I DUN EVEN READ HOMESTUCK.

Uh beneath that is a picture of an angel I was working on. People who watched me Livestream that one time but recognize it. I SUCK AT FEATHERS AND GAVE UP. SOBUSOBU I really liked the idea for it too...

Next to that is a Paint comic thing because my brother told me to work on a comic. And that's about all I got done.

And next to that is a picture I drew for a friend of my brothers. He pestered me until I coloured it. I didn't want to colour it. So Crappy colours... but they like it so w/e.

THAT'S IT. I'm gonna go disappear for a month or so again.

Personal Fan Art
etc., random, Sherlock, Sketch Dump
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