Hawkclaw129 (Fan Art Portfolio) Captive by duct tape

Captive by duct tape
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Hehe.... I'm so evil.
The one with red white and black hair is Ashtree, she's the same person in my pic crush, but a human and a vampire..... Yes she is now a vampire, I was on a sugar high when I drew her as a vampire the first time. I'll do a picture of her as a vamp some other time.....
The one in the middle with the blond hair is JealousyDandilion's fursona Dandilion, but shes human. Go to YT to see a speed paint of her done by her. Username is WarrriorStarCat. Just to be fair my username is Hawkclaw129, I use the same username for everything.
Lastly the one with brown hair is a representation of me, but this character is a hunter. I AM NOT A HUNTER OF THE SUPERNATURAL!!!! I WISH I WAS CAUSE I COULD MEET SAM AND DEAN, from CW's show Supernatural, which just ended it's sixth season, which was supposed to be the last season but just got renewed to it seventh season!!!!:
I Just ranted the heck out of this thing. There is a story to this, I'll write it later and put it on Quizilla, username Hawkclaw 129, I have a few stories on there.....

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
captive, duct tape
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