nikuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Memories-character design

Memories-character design
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Oki this is my latest creation .It has been a long time since I sub a work ,sorry guys but I am afraid that all this month and the two first weeks of June I wont be present here(school exams-DAMN IT!!).However I got so many works to publish this days and I’ll try to make it. Anyway this is Kytes Robbinson second(male) character of my newest horror story.’Memories”.
Kytes in this story helps his childhood friend Flynn Scofield to find his missing sister Clair.He is the only one that reminds of her thanks to the likeness of Flynn with Clair(she wasn’t only missing but all her memory was disappeared and nobody reminds about it.)Kytes helps Flynn and Ellis Patterson(Flynn psychologist)to get to his old house in Nevada,but first to get inside of the old house he dies in a car crash(when he was tying to pass the street,I know this looks sth “normal”but in fact it wasn’t ,cuz he dies only after quarrelling with Ellis,exactly after he turns his back towards her-Right Ellis isn’t human and killed Kytes cuz he always knew she was hiding sth).And that’s all about him.Sth else?Well Kytes is very honest,he always make his own rules and sometimes he can be very rude(even with Fynn) he hates girls(that’s why he never believed and trusted Ellis),thought he has a girlfriend(she never appear in my story).In this pic I tried a new way of coloring starting with doodles,and finishing with highlights and shadows.That little cut scene is the moment of his death(a very quick work just to create an idea about it),heavy rain,night,fog,car-light,blood on the floor all the elements that were present in that moment -the other guy near him is Flynn(I didn’t drew Ellis I wanted to focus on them)First to die Kytes last words were:-“Don’t trust nobody”(I gotta write it cuz I always forget what I just said minutes agoXD).Anyway my first enty for this challenge,the full story I shall publish when I’ll make Flynn chara design!Who wants to know more about him just write….XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
boy, friend, horror, k5, kytes robbinson, memories, young
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krokun marcinha animelover7310 Artgrrl Miracle Star19
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-Character Designing-
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