Reenigrl (Fan Art Portfolio) memories chibis

memories chibis
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I had this in mind for sometime now and finally got around to doing it... when I was suposed to be doing other things XD.. but hey, they're chibi's it dosent take that long.

So I basically just wanted to do only the fancharacaters... anyone that's not an original inuyasha character.

but is connected to the memories saga.

they're are all my creaction with the exception of 2 characters. Takiko belongs to ~LiLy-Sohpia-Evens (DA) this character was created as a fancharacter for Tsutoru. love intrests... though she is not actually part of the memories world I added her in cause she's cute and I still like her story.

Kumari is ~Sole-Storyteller Inuyasha/memories fancharacter. I don't think he was created for the purpose of the memories chain but somhow ended up as one via some fanfics he did XD but I love it. and I plan to borrow Kumari to use in the after series with Sazume and Ichi... if I ever do. you can read some already written fanfics in his gallery.

the rest from left to right

Yukamaru : Yume's dad. Dog demon.

Settsuna: Yume's mom. Wolf demon.

Kazuya,Hiro,Tsutoru :Yume's long time friends.

Sazume, Ichimaru : Yume's and Sessh's kids.

Inuyasha Fan Art
chibi, hiro, ichimaru, inuyasha, kazuya, kumari, lily-sohpia-evens, memories, reenigrl, sazume, settsuna, sole storyteller, takiko, tsutoru, yukamaru, yume
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Member Dedication
Sole Storyteller
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