Xerin (Fan Art Portfolio) Clash of the Patron Goddesses

Clash of the Patron Goddesses
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So here's my submission for AnimeEmoKitty's contest on Theotaku. This is (obviously) two goddesses fighting with very scary faces, but who are they?

*pulls an announcer mic out of nowhere*

Weeeeeeeeell fighting in the red corner (the one on the right) is none other than the Greek Patron goddess herself, Athena! Yes the goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill is in the brawl! How exciting!

And over in the blue corner (the one on the left) is the Egyptian Patron goddess Neith. Although less famously known, she is in fact a patron goddess much like Athena who is the deity of the city Sais. She is the goddess of war and hunting and uses a spear, sheild, and bow and arrow as her main weapon. In her war-like form she guards the bodies of dead soldiers and is quite scary lookin from the picture.

Both of these goddesses are fighting for the top, but who will win?! Athena the crowd favorite whose heart is filled with justice? Or will there be an upset with Neith as the victor, her sights intent on protecting her country's soldiers?! All I know is this shall be a battle of the ages!!!

Neith: Who made you the judge, jury, and executioner?! I'll see to it no one suffers from your in-"justice" ways again!

Athena: How dare you get in my way! I will show you no mercy for this intrusion of my judgement!

Ok on the real, I drew this with the intention of making the god of war Aries fight some Egyptian god counterpart. But then I remembered Athena and found some rather interesting contestants for her. Then that led to the drawing and that led to me posting this up here. Anyways I enjoy the expressions I gave them, very scary and very serious bloodlust in there. And well I guess that's all.

Oh and I'm planning on adding a bg to it but, I wasn't sure when the next time I'd get to use a scanner again.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
animeemokitty, athena, clash, egyptian, fight, goddesses, greek, neith
5 votes thumb
2 members Favoritefavorite
xXWhitePhoenix chokolatealkemist
Member Dedication
Clash of the Gods!!!
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