Namihazure Sama (Fan Art Portfolio) OC- Danny

OC- Danny
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Character Name: Danny

Full Name: Daniel Morales

D.O.B: November 17th, 2073
(16 years old, Scorpio)

Place of Birth/Hometown: Carolina, Ryden Territory, United States

Nationality: Puerto Rican and Polish

Language(s) Spoken: American English and Spanish

Alliance or Regime?: Alliance

Position: Sergeant

Abilities/Talents: R.E.V.O.L.V.E.R program experiment: Both arms are fully made of metal and pack quite the punch. One hand carries a knife that slides out of his knuckles while the other one can hack into thumb scanners and other touch-screen security systems (which are used a lot in their time).

Both legs are spring loaded so he can run faster and can jump the length of a two story building

Strengths: Is able use a sniper accurately, a great street fighter, organizes war tactics and plans ground missions.

Weaknesses: An empty stomach (lol), faulty knee, tends to overdo his physical limits

Temperament: Focused and Determined. When he's in a good mood he's usually content. Danny can be angered and annoyed very easily.


He was a prisoner of war captured by the Neo Regime, an underground military force threatening to take over the world, and used as one of their military experiments. Before they could finish the rest of his reconstruction he escaped. He now works as a secret soldier of the Neo Alliance. He begins by working solo but after the failure of a mission he was assigned to recruit a partner. Even though he really hated the idea he searched for one anyways. He happens to find Jay ( who proves herself during a random street brawl) and the two are now teammates.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, character, sheet
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5 members Favoritefavorite
shizuka101 supersaiyanjounin kita mikichi Erstin314
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