Zakuro Rose (Fan Art Portfolio) Tayuya (High Quality)

Tayuya (High Quality)
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Now, this is an old pic. I drew this x many years ago and considered it my best work back then. Looking back at it now just shows me the kind of artist I used to be. This pic was made before I knew anything about how to properly use layers, and thus the original picture's color was distorted beyond belief. So I had to go back and correct all of the colors. I didn't help that I used cruddy pens back then and so when I scanned it the lineart was missing pieces and was waaay to thin. I completely erased the cursive "haunted" in the upper left hand corner and replaced it with cleaner text. I probably could of corrected many more places (her right arm and left shoulder, for example), but...yeah. I made this before Naruto was even licensed in the U.S.

Original Caption
Though Tayuya is from Naruto, this Tayuya is actually from my story that has a tendency to take character designs from different anime and giving them different roles in a different story. But I think she belongs to the Naruto section rather than the OC section. This is my first attempt at shading and coloring on a computer.

Thank you for viewing! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Other than that, enjoy!

My portfolio and images contained in it are Copyright ©2008 Zakuro Rose. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my portfolio may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.

Naruto Fan Art
cursed, haunted, naruto, seal, tayuya, zakuro rose
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2 members Favoritefavorite
AnimeGal816 Blood Moon Wolf
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