Profile: Ne-Ne

Age: 17 or 18
Height: 5' 4
Weight: 154
Likes: Pocky sticks
Dislike: ?
Best Friend: Austin and Brittney
Relatives: Na-Na
Relations: Zuzu's apprentice

Ne-Ne was actually in deep trouble running away from some thugs that had killed some of her friends as they were heading back to their homes. The people who attacked her were enemies who wanted Ne-Ne captive and use her as profit. They were people who hated her father and wanted her dead with her parents.
As she was running she ran into Itachi and Zuzu who were training.
She went to them and beg they help her though Itachi brushed her off and said to find someone else. She looked to Zuzu who just shook his head as though saying "no" himself. But before she headed out the men came at her infront of the two. She beg they help her, but the men who attacked her made her fall un-conscience. Zuzu looked to the men and asked why they wanted her and as they told him he just became disgusted, but Itachi told him to let it be.
Itachi then looked to the girl and saw she was waking up and asked if she wanted to be strong so she could defend herself.. the minute she said yes, Zuzu went and killed the men in a flash and had Ne-Ne in his arms.
He looked to her and said "I'll show you how to be strong. Fight to where you can fight on your own." From here on out she stayed by Zuzu and Itachi and became zuzu's apprentice and swore to protect him and also be the one who can have the chance to repay him.
