Happy Halloween!

Haha, heyy guys happy halloween!
I hope you all have a good one :)

Mine so far has been interesting...I got lost in San Francisco trying to find the tattoo and piercing shop and it seriously took me 3 hours to find the damned place. I got my lip pierced, hurt like a mother fucker. It still hurts and I'm actually feeling kind of sick Dx. But it looks awesome so I'm good XD.

I got lost again on my way back and yeah...but now I'm back in my dorm getting ready to dress up and run around campus! Maybe do some Gangnam style dancing here and there :). Everyone's dressed up, it's really awesome. I love this city so much.

I miss my boyfriend though xC I wish I was with him right now but sadly I'm not. awh well...anyway laters guys! Enjoy a picture!

it's before I pierced my lip btw.
