Yoko Kurama Story Part Four

By Suika Sohma
(Quick links are coming...eventually.)

Three bloody, battered men approached Suika.

"Botan is on her way to inform Genkai of the situation, Yusuke." Kurama assured.

"Yeah, but...How many more A-ranked demons are already wandering around?" Yusuke grimaced, cracking his neck. "If two of them attack us at once, we're toast."

"Well, so far we know of one." Hiei jerked, his head in the direction of Suika.

A low growl escaped from Suika's throat. She was no longer wrapped from the knee down with vines...but constricted to the throat with them.

"Pfffttt..." Kurama held in a laugh. "What did you do...?" He sighed.

"Tested the legitimacy of your threat." Suika's fox ears pinned back. "I figured while I took a dash for it, I'd slash them up with my Devastating Destruction attack all at once." She pouted.

"They probably anticipated that." Kurama gave a small smile, approaching her. "Because they were supposed to ingest you when you moved. That wasn't an empty threat."

Her yellow-green eyes widened. Brrrr... She shuddered. It really ticks me off that this HUMAN scares me...still...he may be in there...this one controls demon plane plants just like...like...

"...Yoko Kurama?" She whispered hesitantly, eyes downcast.

"!" Kurama jolted like he'd been zapped and flicked his eyes to hers. "That's not my name." He said evenly. "Call me Minamino Shuichi."

She lunged at him, straining against the vines, her muscles tightening.

"I WON'T!" She said sharply. Electric static filled the air as the two stared each other down.

"You brawled without me?!" Kuwabara ran up, interrupting. His eyes bulged at Suika. "WOAH! Whattare you attacking her for, Kurama?" He pointed, shocked. "That ain't your style!"

"We're not fighting her...yet...Just sending her to the demon plane." Yusuke countered.

"WOT?" Kuwabara struck a hilarious pose, mouth open so wide he was in danger of dropping his teeth. Everyone else was calm. "You can't send a human to the demon plane! That's SICK!"

"..." Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama stared at him blankly like, 'are you serious?'

"Oh..." Kuwabara's shock melted away. "Is she..." He furrowed his brow doubtfully.

"These aren't a dead give away?" Hiei poked her fox ear with his katana.

"OW! HEY!" She flinched, glaring through one teary eye.

"Huhn... We're outnumbered now, Yusuke." Kuwabara pointed out.

"For the last time, she's NOT with us!" Yusuke shouted.

"In any case, you'd better release her, Kurama." Hiei said aloofly. "Some people are starting to stare." Hiei shifted his intense gaze in the direction of the gathering crowd and they quickly looked away with sweat drops, hurrying off.

Reluctantly, Kurama waved his arm and the plants untwined from around her and burrowed into the ground.

"Now, whatta we do with her..." Yusuke scratched his hair, pondering. Suika's fox ear twitched once.

"Why the heck can't I just stay here anyway?!" She demanded. "What do I have to do to prove my innocence?! Sign my name in blood? Participate in some heathen ritual? I'm not interested in wasting my time killing weakling humans!" Suika stamped her foot. "You're all prejudiced!"

"Hmph. I thought I'd find you in the midst of all this racket." Genkai approached the group. "I've sealed the portal...Now, who was the one responsible for..."

They all pointed at Suika. Genkai blinked.

"YOU MORONS!" She bashed Yusuke over the head. "THIS is the girl you want to banish?!
Demon foxes are one of the most powerful classifications in existence! When one of them willingly wants to befriend you, you don't make ENEMIES with them!"

Genkai took a deep breath and turned to face Suika.

"Pardon those buffoons." Genkai sighed in frustration. "I am Master Genkai." She bowed. Suika curtsied, face serious. "What do you have against the demon plane and what attraction do you have to earth?" Genkai eyed her purposefully.

"Why I'm here is my business...and all I have to look forward to in the demon plane is blood-thirsty idiots only concerned with mindless violence and mass destruction." Suika replied.

"Ain't buyin' it." Yusuke shook his head.

"That's a good enough reason for me." A voice said.

"...Hiei?" Yusuke turned to him.

"After all...That's my reason, too." Hiei went on distantly.

Hiei took a step toward Suika ans she recoiled defensively.

"...But, if by any chance you DO have ulterior motives..." His eyes fixed on hers and widened. "...You'll answer to me."

Quick Links


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Five

Part Six: END
