"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness."

hi there! you've come upon a world that was created to make you smile! this world is for all the people who are having a bad day. life pushing you down? well, get back up! i'm here to encourage you, to show you that you're not alone. oh, and to also tell you that your smile is beautiful.

freerice | ways to be happy |


I really don't have any time to post a paragraph or anything, but I really wanted to post something.

This link, CLICK ME is a cute little step-by-step guide to the path of true happiness. Believe me, everything it says is true. I'm also trying to do all these things for the better of me and others. Soon, I'll write a post of my struggle to happiness.

Till then, I wish you guys the best in everything! You are all loved, so don't ever feel alone. Do what you think is right, and most importantly, believe in yourself. Keep smiling! :)

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when will you reallySMILE.

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so lately i've been realizing just how many people fake smiles.

to get through life.

to hide their feelings.

so they won't need to talk to anyone.

because they have no one to talk to.

they feel as if no one cares anyway.

they don't want others upset.

and many, many other reasons.

on a personal level, i do this a lot too. if i'm ever upset, no one would ever know, because i don't want people worrying about me. i don't want to ruin their day. so i'm happy. usually it's genuine, but i have my moments where i'm going through things, yet telling someone isn't an option, or i just don't want to. so i fake a smile. people who see me, they see me as a happy girl with no troubles in the world.

but that's not true, because every single person in the world has troubles of their own.

what makes us different from each other is if we take it out on the world or not.

will we make other lives hell because of what we're going through? yell and scream at the ones who are only trying to help? hurting yourself and not realizing what you are slowly doing?

or will we be strong? let life push you down, but get right back up? be there for anyone and everyone who is having difficulties with life? believing in yourself that you can get through this?

will you hide behind that fake smile, or will you conquer each obstacle in life and show the world your real smile?

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smile like no other.

so you know how people say a smile can literally change someone? It can.

I know in your busy scheule, sitting on that couch deciding which anime or drama you should watch next, or maybe you really are busy with school, or maybe you have waaaay too many problems in your life. I know, it gets hard, and eventually you're like, "Smiling? What the heck is that?"

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But you know, if you take out all the problems that conquer your life, and if you just smile, you instantly feel just slightly happier? It's crazy! Whenever you think you feel like you're gonna die, trust me and just smile. Think about a happy memory, a family gathering, your first crush and those feelings and just smile.

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and here's a great thing about smiling. when you smile, you. look. beautiful. i don't care what anyone says, you are beautiful when you smile. They say that a girls looks beautiful with just a smile on and I agree to the fullest. You don't know who could be falling in love with that smile of yours! :)

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and lastly, smile at other people. you don't know what other people are fighting through in their lives. Maybe they feel unwanted, sad, depressed, mat at the world. But I'm sure your smile can save them. It's a quick gesture, but if anyone smiles at me, I instantly smile back. It's a beautiful thing like love and happiness. Next time you see someone, smile. :)

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i know times are hard. your parents don't understand you at all. it's as of the whole world is against you, as if no one cares. you feel as if you were gone one day, then no one would care. you look at all the things you've done in your life and all you see are mistakes and errors. you hate yourself. you hate life. you want no part in it anymore. you can't take all the struggles you have to go through. you just wanna give up.

but will you believe me if i told you that you can get through this? you are strong, though you may not think it. you CAN get through this. one day your parents will understand. one day you will have enough money to buy anything you want. one day he will look at you and talk to you. one day they will stop hurting you. one day the abuse will stop. it's not the end.

God only gives his hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.
