The Butterfly Pearl: Opening Sequence

Opening Sequence

A small group of men arrive in the ruins of what used to be a small village, burned to the ground. Ash has settled, showing that the village went down awhile ago.

AOBOSHI: A letter had arrived to our leader, Prince Washitaka. A village under his rule to the North had been burned to the ground. Immediately, Prince Washitaka concluded that it must have been the doings either an enemy trespasser, or there was treachery afoot. He'd sent me, his Personal Wizard Assistant to investigate and to bring back any survivors that were found. However, as it was a three-day journey from our city by horse, I was skeptical about finding any signs of life that hadn't already fled...
Aoboshi observes his group investigating the area.

SCOUT: Sir! Over here! We've found someone beneath this debris! Aoboshi rushes over. Below, is a young boy with shocking white hair, breathing shallowly He's breathing, sir! He's alive!

AOBOSHI: Kneels down, hears the boy whimper, wincing in pain He is still breathing! Amazing! But... how did he survive all this time under these conditions? calls his men Get ropes! We need to pull this debris off and pull him out! Hurry!

SHIRO: coughing, wheezing Sir, please... he looks up, Aoboshi notices he has one red eye and one ice-blue eye It... was... an accident.

AOBOSHI: Stay still, kid. We're going to get you out. Everything's going to be alright.

SHIRO: I didn't mean to... I just wanted... to prove myself.

AOBOSHI: Please, child. You're okay now.

SHIRO: They laughed at me... it was an accident!

AOBOSHI: What was an accident, my boy? How did you live this long? Shiro points to a small clump of yellow dandelions with missing petals, dismal looking, just within his arm's reach Dandelion petals? *How did he know to eat just the petals?* What did you do for water, child?

SHIRO: hesitates You won't laugh at me, or get angry or scared and leave me, will you? Aoboshi shakes his head "no" Okay... he moves his hand in small circles above the dry ground. Before their eyes water starts to appear from below the surface, pooling in a small puddle.

AOBOSHI: Astounding...! How did you do that without using Magic Words?

SHIRO: slightly more confident at seeing Aoboshi's reaction I don't know. I could always do that... Momma said I was special... but, the other boys and girls laughed at me or were scared of me... they called me names... tears forming It was an accident! I just wanted to prove to them!

AOBOSHI: tries to calm Shiro down Ssh... my boy. How did the fire start? Do you know?

SHIRO: through tears It was an accident! I didn't mean to-! Aoboshi watches him sadly

AOBOSHI: *So, this young boy did it. He couldn't control his Magic Power. Imagine... the odds of finding a Mage like this out here!* gathers his men We have determined the cause of the fire! It was a lightning strike in combination with heavy winds; an unfortunate incident. Free the boy so we can all head back home!
