What Black Magic Is

Just an excerpt from The SOS Brigade's RP. The group was created by Luna chan, if you're interested in joining, ask her~!

It was dark in Shiro's room. His clock read 3:00am- The Dead Hour. It was quiet, too, and he listened to the silence. It felt empty, light, and forgotten. As if, all the time before, there had always been some white noise. But, now that had all been filtered out, leaving a husk.

Shiro rolled onto his side, uneasy and unable to sleep. He lay his head on his arm, his hand feeling the device Daemon had placed on his neck earlier. The little chip annoyed him almost as bad as the crowd at the bus stop the day before.

Why would Daemon give him the chip? What good what it do and how would it help? If it helped at all, what would Shiro owe that bastard? He hated owing things to people he didn't trust.

It itched. He scratched at it nonchalantly, but it wouldn't budge. It was like a pimple that wasn't ready to pop or peel. It sat like a little mound, mocking him, daring him to try anything to get rid of it. But, if Shiro couldn't destroy it from the outside, perhaps he could from the inside?

The mage put his hands together, interlocking his fingers his pointer fingers and middle fingers pointing outwards. Then, he focused all his energy onto the spot on the back of his neck, feeling the power circle beneath it. He closed his eyes and breathed in, "Break!"

Shiro tried again. Still nothing. He tried another two or three times, but to no avail. What he'd dubbed as "The Little Piece of CRAP," wouldn't break. It continued to sit and mock, like a bird just out of reach of a cat.

A quiet chuckle made him start. Shiro's back stiffened as he noticed Ryoko in the corner of his room, watching him contently.

"What do YOU want?" Shiro growled.

"You can't break it..." Ryoko replied and stepped forward, standing over Shiro, "because you don't yet possess enough power to do so... You're still weak in the ways of Black Magic and, the longer you wait, the weaker your White Magic becomes. You're a sitting duck right now, in other words..."

Shiro knew well enough that he was weak at that moment. He would probably have a hard time using enough Magic to even boil a simple pot of water. He didn't know what to do and his eyes looked up into Ryoko's violet ones, "Well...? What should I do about it?"

He didn't like having to turn to his enemy for advice, but right now, he was the only person offering any.

[... ... ... ... ...]

"Does it really matter what type of magic you use? As long as they're all safe your problems will be solved. Hell, you might even kill me. Mage, embrace it. Become it. You have too." Ryoko stood over Shiro, the green fire still illuminating the room from between his fingers.

He was right. Shiro didn't have any choice, this wasn't something he could just stop and quit doing. He was going to be a Warlock, whether he wanted to or not. But, at least he could try to use it for good. Try to control it in a way that he could benefit from.

"Don't... call me a 'Mage' anymore, Ryoko..." Shiro stood up, facing his visitor, his eyes reflecting back the emerald light, "I'm a Warlock now." and he put his hand out over Ryoko's flame, adding one of his own, making a new flare of green light. The two flames danced together, making the shadows in the room shift and twitch.

"Good," Ryoko replied, his teeth glowing, "You've embraced it. You've learned to accept the Power but, now, you must become it... For, until you let rise inside you and become one with it, you will never understand this Magic. And, without understanding it, you'll never control it."

Shiro let his eyes fall to the green fire sitting between their palms. He felt the power flowing through his body, extending out to his arm and through his fingers. It was different from the White Magic he was used to. But, it was only different in the way it felt, like the way warm water felt dripping off your hands as compared to cool water. It felt the same, but there were key differences. Black Magic was easier for him to feel, to withstand, to command. Shiro closed his eyes, letting the feeling course through him, welcoming it, and breathed in deeply.

As he exhaled, the fire in his hands grew whiter, hotter. It expanded and grew and an amazing sensation began to fill him from the middle outwards. It was a feeling worth savoring, even better than sitting next to a fire inside while the wind and snow flurry outside. Even better than releasing yourself to sleep when you can't keep your eyes open any longer.

But this did it. This Power was greater than sleep, or chocolate, or any amount of adrenaline during a huge battle. This was why so many Warlocks went in search of MORE Power even after getting this far. It was addicting, Shiro knew now.

Ryoko withdrew his hand and half of the power fueling the fire was taken away. Shiro let the flames die and the room returned to its normal dark blue hue. He stood facing Ryoko, panting lightly from the adrenaline rush, never having felt so alive in all his life. He felt an urge to laugh erupt through his core, "Heh... ha, hah! Keh, ha-hah-hah! Oh, gawd... Ryoko, that was..."

"Amazing?" The lavender-eyed man finished.

"Orgasmic doesn't even BEGIN to cover it..." Shiro marveled. A manic grin split Ryoko's face as the white-haired new Warlock looked at his hands, turning them and remembering the feel. It had felt so empowering and he almost hungered for more...

"Don't get carried away," Ryoko warned, "Many a man have fallen to their greed and lust for more Power."

Shiro raised an eyebrow in question, "Why are you suddenly so sage, Ryoko? Why are you helping me to understand this? Why are you warning me and letting me live?"

"Because," the other stepped forward, and grabbed Shiro's shoulder, then he leaned in and whispered into his ear, "you're my only worthy adversary. And... I like a challenge." And, as he pulled away, Shiro could hear the cracking and breaking of metal behind his head. Ryoko pulled back and held up his hand. Between two fingers was the chip Daemon had placed there, engulfed in jade fire, sparking. He crushed it, and silvery glittering dust fell to the floor, "I can't have that witch or her lackeys interfering with your growth, Shiro. You just keep growing stronger... gain more Power- but don't give in to it like a hungry dog, do you hear me?"

Shiro nodded, his heart fluttering. Ryoko smiled, as if giving praise to a young child for having done something right, "I want you, Shiro..." he sat on the ledge of the window.


"I want you. I want you to fight me. I want you to fear me. I want to admire you. I want to chase you and run from you, Shiro. To win and lose. To smile and cry. To live... and die... I want you, Shiro," Ryoko looked slyly at him, "We've shared a girl, we've shared our time, hell, we've even shared a body. Now, let's share this Power, this Black Magic." and he prepared to jump from the window ledge.

However, before he could go, Shiro lunged forward and grabbed him by the shoulder, meeting his purple eyes, "I want you, too..."

Ryoko smiled and Shiro returned it, a real and true smile. Both of them secretly knew they'd established a kind of connection that was neither love, nor hate. Shiro had a fleeting thought that Sora would almost be proud, had this been under normal circumstances.

But, his thoughts all vanished with Ryoko, who leaped from the window and disappeared like a sigh on the wind.

Again, just a piece of my writings from our RolePlay. This is just a part of Shiro, only ONE member! You guys should totally see what the other members write about! XD Thanks for viewing~!
