The Hunt Approaches.

It looks like I'm in for another slow work week. With one of the three zones closed down, probably for the remainder of the year, I now have to battle the other temps for a place on the Optional Workers list. I've already worked one day, and I only need to work two to meet my minimum expenses, but I'll have to branch out and try to find somewhere else to work if things remain this choppy.

I've been killing my excess time in increasingly productive ways. I'm reading more, exercising regularly again and I've started doodling requests for strangers. Not highbrow works of art, but enough to get a few giggles.

I'll probably have to call up my chief petty officer/recruitment manager next week and ask him for an increase in time before my pre-joining fitness test. I have to run a mile and a half in under ten minuets and I'm a lot better lifting heavy things up and putting them down again than I am at running. I should probably call up my Construction instructor while I'm at it, too. It's been nearly two months and my workers card still hasn't arrived yet. No card, no access to sites.

