Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

Hurts So Good.

My flight got delayed three months because of the inflation of July ticket prices. I now take off on September the twentieth. I won't be flying to Iceland before England as I was expecting, which means I won't get to try their national dish. I will, however, land in Boston before going to Manchester. I might try one of those cream pies the place is famous for.

I got to hang out with my cute Indian friend on Sunday. I brought over nine cupcakes and Guilty Gear XX and some movies and we had a pretty good time~ His nice dog (Tessa) wouldn't stop trying to lick my hands and his mean dog (Jessy) finally stopped barking at me. I also pulled my bad knee during the day's activities, but it was entirely worth it~

I was pretty tired when I got back. I ate some shrimp pasta and watched Rango before getting a shower and collapsing on my bed.


Thunder, Thunder Everywhere.

We've been seeing some pretty wild storms in the area for the past four days. A lot of rain and lightning but no severe damage yet thankfully.

My weekend was pretty good. I watched RockNRolla on Saturday and had some pizza.

On Sunday I got to hang out with Zach, the cute Indian guy~ We played some more Mortal Kombat and watched the live action Riki-Oh movie I had on the external hard drive I brought over, which was like watching a really crappy but funny version of Mortal Kombat. The weather was too crappy to go to the park so we pretty much played around the house. It was fun, though we both nearly fell down the stairs at one point. He also showed me his two dogs, which look like really fluffy corgis. One was black and the other was sandy/corgi colored. The black one seemed to like me a hell of a lot more than the sandy one, who was giving me the eye when he wasn't barking at me. Little dogs seem to hate me for some reason. *Shrugs.* Hell if I know why, though. It's not like I go out of my way to mess with 'em or anything.

I also learned a pretty useful life lesson on Sunday: Never make out with someone when something funny is on the TV. Thankfully it wasn't just me who fell victim to that.

When I got back I was pretty tired, but couldn't fall asleep due to how lively the place was. So I watched Machete before taking a shower and collapsing on my bed.


Feathers and Sunshine.

It's been a while since my last update, I know.

I got to hang out with my cute Indian friend (The kind with feathers.) two weeks ago on Sunday. He's about 5'4" with long black hair and brown eyes and sexy brown skin~ But I digress. I got a little lost on my way to his house because three streets had the same name, ended up scaring the crap out of this stay-at-home husband because, the way he saw things, a tall guy with a deep voice and accent "examining" his house was pretty freaky. I laughed my ass off for a good five minuets making jokes about it with the stepdad while we continued to look for the right address.

We eventually found the place, though only because he was standing on the sidewalk to act as a beacon. We spent most of the day on his couch playing the new Mortal Kombat and Brawl and making out (He's pretty aggressive for a vegetarian~) and watching Scott Pilgrim. We also played some air hockey and split some cookies and fries from McDonalds. Overall it was a pretty nice day and, with any luck, ill get to hang out with him again this Sunday. We'll likely go to the local park or something.

Sherri went to visit her parents in Minnesota on Wednesday, meaning I've been babysitting the little one since Wednesday. I've been getting about four-to-six hours of sleep a night for the most part, not that it really seems to be bothering me. At least it gives me something to do during the morning. Also means I get to cook something that isn't drenched in butter.

It's been sunny for the most part here, but it looks like it might rain later today. Shame.

I talked to the sis yesterday. Turns out my old math teacher when I was thirteen was recently convicted of pedophilia and cocaine abuse. Explains why he was so energetic and seemed to love his job. He was sentenced to fifteen years, which is a pretty strong sentence considering it's coming from the usually lame crown court.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the best cereal of all time.


A Return Flight.

Given the stepdad's increasing drunken hostility towards me, I've decided that I'm going to return to the UK. It's been five and a half years since I came to the US and in that time he has not improved or made good on his word. I'm going to cut my losses and fly back in two months.

It's not that I'm too keen on returning to the UK, though. But their is no other alternative. The aunts who want me to stay are not financially capable of taking me in, let alone helping me acquire my citizenship. And I've simply gotten tired of sitting on my ass, waiting for something that will never happen unless I acquire it for myself.

When I fly back ill likely move in with the sis. She's looking for a reliable roommate anyway and should be able to help me get a job at the company she works for. She seems more excited at the notion of my return than I am. When things settle down ill have to think about what to do next: Whether to stay in the UK or attempt to get US citizenship myself.


One Hell of a Run.

The clicker on my laptop died a couple of hours ago. The keyboard on it isn't as responsive, either. I fear that that will be the next thing to go...

This laptop of mine is nearly a decade old, though I've only had it for a couple of years. I remember when I first got it. My tower unit had a virus I couldn't remove when the stepdad brought this little guy home. It looked like a stray dog from a bad neighborhood. The screen was completely trashed and it had more porn than a fifty year old virgin, but it was salvageable. A new screen and a lot of cleaning out and it was good to go!

Now, it wasn't always the best of laptops. We've had our ups and our crashes over the past two years. Hell, this one week it kept crashing after starting up for no reason, but we pulled through it together. *Le sigh.* But, with the clicker dieing, it means the hardware itself is on it's last legs. Pretty soon it'll be more desktop than laptop, and this thing only has so many USB ports for me to connect things to... Ill probably have to get a replacement in a month or two...

When that day comes, ill put this thing in the travel bag it came in, and lay it to wrest in my closet: where all my old electronics go to die. *Sniffles.* You will be missed, laptop... You will be missed...

Any-who~! I've been reading Berserk lately. It's pretty good, though bloody. I might change my avatar to Puck, the adorable fairy. Then again, maybe not *Shrugs nonchalantly*

My strength is returning to me faster than expected since I started training again. If anything, my arms are getting a bit bigger than before.
