Raven's Profile

-Currently his alias is Raven. It has been his most infamous namesake in all of his long years, and thus has stuck to him. None know his real name, or even if he /has/ a real name. In the human world he is currently known as Jian Wei, none of his names are ever permanent.

-Pureblood Vampire, one of the eldest left in existence.

-Average height and build, 5’9.
-Long black hair with choppy bangs, almost always wears a silk headband.
-Deep red eyes.
-A silver cuff on his right ear.
-Stern gaze.
-Wears suits mostly. At home he is most often found in silk robes and comfortable clothes.


-Very stern and analytical. He is cool and level-headed but looks down on other creatures, both human and vampire alike.
-Does not show much outside of his apathy. Very rarely smiles, and almost never laughs, if you were see this, then you are indeed close to him.

-Believes firmly in the hierarchy of purebloods, even though he has had nothing to do with rule for centuries.
-Has long lost all feeling or emotion for anything amongst the living. While he carries strong beliefs, he does not enforce them unless faced head-on with something that irritates him.
-Is very protective for those that he cares for. Which are few and far between.

-Carries all the mannerisms and etiquette of his status.
-Can be talkative amongst the people he trusts most, otherwise very quiet.
-Always judging those around him to an almost cynical point.
-Those who irritate him or commit ill-acts against him are put on his permanent shit list, with little chance of redemption.

-A pureblood of the highest class, he assumes no authority over any outside of the noble clan he ‘owns’, unless it’s convenient for him.

-Control over the very essence of ‘time’. He can manipulate it at will.
-Can create familiars out of his blood.
-Can create clones of himself to move at will.
-Uses a portal for transport, which leads him through a ‘shadow dimension’.
-Various unknown abilities best kept secret.

-Subordination of ‘underlings’.
-Silk clothing/headbands
-Drawings/Paintings/Art in general
-Classical Music
-Stars/Astronomy studies
-Dancing, when it suits his fancy
-watching others suffer

-Irritating people/animals
-Bright colors
-people who mess with “Precious”
-too many to list…

Brief Background:
-Raven is older than time, pretty much. He doesn’t have an exact number to his age. He has witnessed many things, been privy to even more, and then for some reason he gave up everything to live a life of seclusion. Whether due to becoming bored at his age, or some other traumatic event, that is secret~ Raven is one of a kind, and while he doesn’t have many he considers to be ‘close’, he is fiercely loyal to those who do manage to get into his inner circle.
