Always and Forever

Under the Cherry Blosom tree on hill that over looked the land, Kagome sat with a picture of Inuyasha, showing one of his rarest smiles. She smiled, thinking back on that happy day when she had come back from the real world after a year. The thing is, that only he was there. No Shippo, Miroku, Songo. Just Inuyasha. But after she took his picture, that smile disappeared into a yell. So, under that tree, Kagome thought about what Inuyasha would do if she said that she was going away forever.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha called out.
Kagome looked down the hill and saw Inuyasha coming towards her. She put the picture in her bag. She smiled as Inuyasha sat by her. "Yes, Inuyasha?"
"Do you have anymore Potatoe Yums?" He asked and held out his hand.
Kagome pulled out a bag and hand it to him. "This is your last one."
Inuyasha's eyes widened and scowled. "What do you mean, 'last one'?"
"I'm leaving, Inuyasha. And I am not coming back." Kagome looked down.
"What? Why? Is it because of Miroku? Cause I will kick his..."
"No, Inuyasha. It's not him." She sighed. "Its just that, since you have the jewel shards, and that you will turn into a full demon, that I figured you won't need me. And that you would eventually forget me."
Inuyasha stood. "You know I won't forget you, Kagome! I need you!"
Kagome stood and faced Inuyasha. "Why do you need me, Inuyasha?"
"Because I just do! And if you go, I will.... I will....."
"What?" Kagome asked with a smile.
Inuyasha turned away from her. "I just don't want you to go."
Kagome placed a hand on his arm. He turned. "I have just one thing I want to say to you."
Inuyasha softened his expression. "What?"
"I love you, Inuyasha." Kagome smiled.
Inuyasha took a cherry blossom out from her hair and Kagome relized that he took the words to his heart. "Well, I don't know what to say."
"Say what you want to say."
Inuyasha looked down into her eyes, and blushed. "No. I don't want to."
Kagome kissed his cheek. "I have always loved you."
Inuyasha's eyes gave it away. Kagome didn't have to guess what he wanted to say. She knew.
"You have?" Inuyasha asked.
"I have always and I will forever."
