This is the world where post my poetry, short stories, etc. I want to become an author so I think that making a world about writing would be a good idea. I hope that you guys like my writing, please critique it, I really do enjoy it when people comment.

My work can sometimes be creepy, sometimes pretty, but it won't be anything over PG-13 or yaoi.

DD Ch. 11

Chapter 11 Fog ~Dragon Dancer~ “Okay, okay, I get it! I’m sorry!” I hissed. I stood in the same unused hallway trying to calm Dark who was screeching and flapping his wings at me. He flew around my head and I...

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DD Ch. 10

Chapter 10 Etheldred ~Aaron~ A pounding headache and the loud annoying knock at the door was not what I wanted to wake up to. Angrily I tossed off the blanket and sat up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. My arm was asleep and ...

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DD Ch. 9

Chapter 9 Nobility ~Dragon Dancer~ “If it wasn’t for that whore of a mother of yours things wouldn’t be this way!” I stood on the white marble, my feet lightly touching the always cold stone. I w...

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DD Ch.8

Chapter 8 Name ~Aaron~ Without another word Gray stepped out of the room with Ethan. Not knowing what to say or think, all I did was sit and watch as they left. What was the deal with those two, I thought as I fell into my co...

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DD Ch.7

Chapter 7 Village ~Dragon Dancer~ I had met an Aborigine shaman, or clever man as they liked to call themselves, who was a dream walker. He was the first human one I ever knew, dream walkers were those who could travel into t...

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