Becky's Writers' Block Busters, Session Seven

Happy Sunday, all! I received some awesome character sheets from some of you this week, and learned about some very awesome characters. Erzengel Weiss, Shimaru, SomeGuy, and Allamorph told us all about Celes, Eddie, Cream Filling, and Nathan, respectively. Oh, and I told you about Catalin, but no need to give him more attention than he deserves. It'll fluff his ego.

And here are your standard reminders before we start this week's fun. Remember that these prompts are not specific questions to be answered. They are just words, phrases, and ideas that are meant to jumpstart your creativity. It's wonderful if your response ties in closely with the prompt, if that's the idea you have, but it's equally wonderful if its relevance to the prompt is just some odd leap you made in your head. If you want to play but you're having trouble, think of it as word association. Read each prompt over, write down the first sentence that comes to mind for each, and run with one of those!

And here are your prompts for this week!

1. Write about being alone.

2. A foreign language classroom.

3. "No offense, but I don't think you're quite up for that."

4. Write about a used bookstore.

5. "In what universe was that a smart idea?"

Have at it! Don't forget to post your responses here, and to read your friends' pieces!
