Becky's Writers' Block Busters, Session One

Oh goodness, sorry for the delay, y'all! My power was out for much of the afternoon because of the awful weather, so I couldn't get online and do this. But hey, this is the internet - you guys are night owls anyway, right?

Anyways, hello! I'm NightBeck, aka Beck or Becky to most of you here, and this is my first post here on the Writers Bloc. I'll just give you a little background about myself, and my plans for the Sunday block, before I get right on with today's prompt!

As SomeGuy told you earlier, I'm hoping to become a published author one of these days, and I'm doing a number of things in order to make that happen. And one of those things is writing every single day. Which is one of the most important things you can do to get better, and I always need to get better.

How do I have enough material to write every day? Well, in my case, I don't have much of a choice! I've been taking writing workshops for about six years, both in school and in conferences and such, and during the summer, I run online workshops and co-writing sessions with my friends as well as work on my own projects. So giving writing prompts is something I'm both accustomed to, and enjoy very much!

So every Sunday, I will make a post and give you a list of prompts to go off of. And you can interpret those prompts however you want. Want to write fanfiction? Go for it! Original fiction? Go for it! Essayists and non-fiction writers are also totally welcome, and I will throw in prompts that are more tailored to you, as well.

And if the prompt is of use to you, and you write something from it, I highly encourage you to post it on one of your worlds. And if you'd like, you can leave a comment here so that everyone can read it! Writing is definitely something I love to see represented on theO, which is one of the reasons I'm loving VV so much.

Enough talk. Let's get started with this!

Today's post will be a bit different. This is the Mack Daddy of all writing prompts, made for fiction writers who are having trouble getting started. My friend taught this one to me in my sophomore year of high school, and I haven't had writers' block since.

First, answer this series of questions, in order:

1. Pick an adjective. It can be anything.
2. Describe a character who embodies this adjective, through looks, personality, and/or likes and dislikes. Describe the character as fully as possible - it can be a pre-established character that fits the adjective well, or a character you make up yourself right now.
3. Describe the character's surroundings. Where are they? What can the character see, smell, and hear?
4. Your character is very preoccupied with something. What is it?
5. Suddenly, another character enters the scene, shaking the first character from his/her thoughts. Who is this new character? What is their relationship with the first character? Why are they here?

Now, with the questions you've answered, write the scene that ensues between the two characters, keeping the answers you've come up with in mind. It may seem simple, but there are tons of different ways you can go with this, and completing this exercise actually led into one of my multi-chaptered stories that I'm working on now.

Have at it, folks! I'll do this myself later and toss it up on my writing world, and I hope you guys do the same!
