Christmas time!

Heya ^^ First of all: thanks for checking out this new post =D
I'm getting the hang of this whole world thing =D

Now, I want to wish you all a totally awesome christmas and new year!


1)Anyone gets the ref. to a very potter musical??
A) yesss! go to 2)
B) nope.. sorry! go to 3)
2) Good person =D *hugs* now did you like it?
A) yes!! ofc!! go to 4)
B) nope sorry! :S go to 3)
3) How DARE you! reevaluate your options and throw away your old presumptions! Here's the link: A) fine fine!! I'll watch and change the answer to my last question already -> GOOD! you better =D Have funs! Go back to your prev question =D
B) yeah, so what? :S -> sorry, youre just not fit for this quiz =D try another time! Or go back to START
4) YOU'RE THE BEST!! We've got a winner here =D
congratulations ^^ Let me know and you'll get a christmasgift =D

thanks for enduring this. =D
bye XXX
