Hello, i'm Alex. I am a girl but I want to become male or (Transgender male[FTM]) there are a few things that I would like to make clear now:
1. I still like boys!
2. I am serious about this!
3. I have not gone through any medical treatment yet!
4. I still identify as a girl in real life!
Now that you know this, I will start adding a post maybe every week about me and my life. I STILL DON'T KNOW TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS STUFF!!! If you have any questions or anything you would like to say please send me a message ^.^


I've been watching Hakuouki lately... I have no clut what the hell is going on!!! Did Hijikata die??? Why doesn't Chizuru understand that she is a helpless little girt surrounded by hot guys??? I don't even know what the first Hakuouki is or what the order they are in!!! Is it, Hakuouki? Or Hakuouki: Hekketsu-Roku? Or Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan? Or Hakuouki Sekkaroku? I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!
