Hitler in the Cupboard

So, some off-the-cuff thoughts about tonight's new Doctor Who, "Let's Kill Hitler".

(Note: I must have typed the word Hitler more times in the last few months then in my entire life.)


First of all, I did not see that coming at all. I thought it would take til the end of the season for us to actually see a genuine physical connection between Melody and River, but I guess Moffat thought it best to barrel on ahead.

I loved the stuff with young Amelia and Rory. Poor Rory, he's been a buttmonkey for so many years. And Amy thinking he was gay. XP Then there was Amy and Rory's 'crop circle' to get the Doctor's attention. And then Moffat's joke about the TARDIS being in a state of 'temporal grace'. This is a throwback to a line in an old Tom Baker story, but since then a lot of guns have been fired in the TARDIS, kind of rendering it invalid. I love when Moff plays with little bits of the classic series. And the TARDIS voice interface scrolling through Rose and Martha and Donna ("There's got to be someone in the universe I haven't screwed up yet!").

I thought it was amusing that Hitler, whom I assumed would be a significant part of the story, ended up being no more than a cameo before he got locked in the cupboard. And if Rory wasn't already one of the greatest human beings ever, he gets to punch Hitler, tell him to shut up, and lock him in the cupboard, all in less than five minutes.

I'm glad we've been given a bit more information on the Silence. I always thought it had to be more than just one alien race. I often wondered how Prisoner Zero, at the start of Season 5, knew about the Silence. Perhaps it was a member? Of course, as usual with Moffat, we have more questions wrapped up with the few answers. Will River still kill the Doctor? Is she the person in the astronaut suit? How will the Doctor manage to escape his death if its a fixed point in time?

This was certainly a big and bold episode to return on. Just five more weeks before all will be revealed... (Or at least 90%, I'm sure Moffat will want to hold back something to get next season's ball rolling).
