Kingdom Hearts 3D Update

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For those of you who are interested, Kingdom Hearts 3D is currently being showcased at E3 this year. I'm not planning on covering what is going on there, as you can go out and read any info on it that you would like to do so without me somehow messing that up. I like for my KH news, and if that's something you're into, go check it out.

In other other news, I've stayed mostly away from spoilers other than what I've posted up here; I don't know anything else about KH:3D and I plan for things to stay that way until I get the game in my hands, which means no more KH:3D news from me.

In other, other, other news... there's a special edition version of KH:3D that comes with a special cover and some other fun things. You can pre-order it from Amazon or from your local game store. I am going to get the special edition, so when I get it I'll probably do a self-mocking "unboxing" post of some kind.

Again, thanks to those who have stuck around, and I'll be seeing more of you once KH:3D is out as I am planning on live blogging it, as live blogging KH:BBS was probably the best thing ever. I'm also considering cross-posting it to my Tumblr, so that might be a thing as well. It will try to fall more into the line of when I did ReCoded with fun links and stuff to follow that attempts to explain my brand of humor.

(PS, I still haven't finished KH:ReCoded, so it wasn't just that I fell behind live blogging it, I really just dropped that game in general.)
