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Rrrruff! Bark bark bark ruff! Woof bark woof woof? Bark bark ruff bark woof. *growls* BARK! Ruff bark woof woof!

TRANSLATION: Hi! I'm Akamaru, Kiba's canine sidekick! Has anyone seen my master? I'm here to be by his side on TheO. *growls* But enemies, beware! Or I'll bite you!

First Post... Bark!

Bark bark ruff. *sits down* Woof woof woof! *pants* Bark ruff woof ruff. *whines* Hooooooowl?!? *sad howl*

Translation: I guess this is my first post. *sits down* Gosh, it was so hot today! *pants* I still haven't found Kiba yet. *whines* Where could he be?!? *sad howl*

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