Daily Vocab 3 xD -- Im getting bored :[

Source: http://www.vocabulary.com/

1) Saboteur means wrecker
A saboteur is a person who makes a mess of a situation on purpose. You might call your little brother a saboteur for letting the air out of your bicycle tires, but you could be a saboteur in return by filling his shoes with cold spaghetti.

Saboteur is a noun that is fairly new to the English language; it was first used in the early 1900s, and it refers to a person who deliberately destroys or obstructs something. It comes from the French word, saboter, which really and truly means to kick something with an old-fashioned wooden shoe. We can only hope that one day the word Nikeur might enter the English language to mean a person who kicks something with a sneaker.

2) Reveal means to make visible
When you make something visible or make it public information, you reveal it. For example, if you want to plan a picnic, wait until forecasters reveal the weather that is predicted.

The verb reveal comes from the Latin word revelare meaning "unveil," like when you take off your hat to reveal your new haircut, or when you reveal information about your past that will shock or amuse your friends. You might also be familiar with the noun form of reveal, makeover show-speak for the moment viewers see the newly renovated room or someone's dramatic new look, as in saving the reveal for the end of the show so people keep watching.

3) Quarrelsome means giving and arguing
When you are quick to pick a fight or disagree, you are quarrelsome. Toddlers are often quarrelsome. So are couples, at least with each other.

If you know that quarrel means to argue or fight, then this is an easy word to figure out. People who are quarrelsome seem to constantly get in fights. Quarrelsome people are often moody or sensitive: any little thing can get them upset. Other people usually don't like to work with or be around quarrelsome folks. However, any of us can get quarrelsome at times, especially when we're under stress or have an empty stomach.

4) Slower and slower it got till, when within a few feet of the ground, it stopped its onward motion and only swung back and forth like a ________.


A pendulum is something hanging and swinging freely from a fixed point. A grandfather clock might use for timekeeping a pendulum that swings back and forth.

Pendulum comes from the Latin word pendulous, meaning "hanging down." If someone hangs a pocket watch in front of you and swings it back and forth, saying, "You're getting very sleepy," they're mimicking the movement of a pendulum. We also use the word pendulum to describe a situation moving between two poles or across a spectrum, like the balance of power in a multiparty political system.

5) It is a joy to be among the many ________ fruit trees, the guavas, papayas, avocadoes, loquats, surinam cherries, new and strange fruits and flowers of many kinds in Florida.


Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes: all of these are fruits that belong to the citrus family. They share similar kinds of pulp, thick rinds, and the fact that they grow well in warm climates.

If you live in Florida, then you know about citrus. Most of the country's oranges and other citrus come from Florida, with California a close second. But oranges aren't the only citrus fruits. There are lemons, limes, grapefruits, just to name just a few. You can recognize a citrus fruit by its brightly colored, thick, and peelable rind. Citrus fruits are juicy and pulpy and make for a great breakfast. Not for me, though. All the acid in citrus makes my stomach upset.
