A strange virus has been spreading across the small city of Delte. A city know for its strange experiments and mutations. This virus does not affect humans, oh no, it only goes after animals. Most animals have fallen into a deep slumber, nothing able to awaken them. But the strongest of them have had a different reaction. They’ve become human. Well, not completely. They still have some animalistic features, like ears, wings, tails, claws, etc. They’re confused, scared, and alone. And now the humans want to experiment on them, can they escape and find a cure? Or will they be stuck like this forever, while their friends and family sleep, never to awaken?

inufluffy12 - Kita
Cat14 - Spike
kyouyarenge - Kiki
Kratos Cruxis - Lancer Talon
wolfdemonchild9 - Tsuki
lapaperninja - Yume
ecnelisterger - Hellacruz
Hulaberry32 - Taiga Akashiya
stinamuffin - Rylee
BrotherlyLoveHK - Misaki Igarashi

Important info
Point System
Spending Points

inufluffy12 - ><
Cat14 - 180
kyouyarenge - 180
Kratos Cruxis - 200
wolfdemonchild9 - 160
lapaperninja - 220
ecnelisterger - 120
Hulaberry32 - 220
stinamuffin - 240
BrotherlyLoveHK - 100

Into the fox hole

~Kita~ “This way!” I called out, running ahead of the small group and making a quick left at the next group of trees. They all responded instantly, quickly turning to follow me. “Where are you going?” the lyn...

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Just A Dream

Looking for answers That I may never find Wondering what goes on Who am I inside? A laugh... a dream... and something gone again..... Lance found his dreams filled with nothingness. Di...

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They're Back


My eyes fluttered open "Someone Mind Helping me?" Tsu asked looking at us, "Can you people do Nothing?" Taiga asked getting up from the ground and walking over to tsu, 'well I would help but am still string to wake this guy here' I though looking back at the eagle, and tried Waking him up again,which was useless, "She's waking up!"Kita exclaimed as the lynx struggled to wake up,
"Do we have any water we could use to keep her awake?"I asked
"I don't hear any streams... Please, wake up! Please!"Kita begged the lynx finally waking up

I sighted in defeat after all my attempt the eagle got hit with a really good amount of sedative, suddenly I heard groaning "Hey guys I think Eagle boy is waking up! As well" I said the eagle just barely opened his eyes, when I heard the humans come over "They are back !!" I said out loud I looked over at the eagle boy who had gone back to sleep "Not again!" I said as I carried him and taking of I looked back at Taiga and Spike who were fighting the humans,I could smell the blood of the humans stinging my nose followed the rest of the group hoping the humans woulnt follow us..

My Intro


Mama? Papa?

Come on Bobcat. We'll take care of you.

This won't hurt a bit.



"Tree, tree, tree." I sang in my head. I need to find a tree. I run to a tree and climb up to a well hidden branch. I hide there for a few moments when a man with a needle and that stick with the metal collar on it run by. He goes right past the tree I'm in and keeps going. Stupid humans. I just got out of that scary place, I'm not going back. I jump out of the tree and continue running to the forest.


I pulled the dart out of my scales. Thankful in hadn't went in to deep. I through it on the ground as I stepped out of the bushes. "What the hell are you doing?!" Taiga growled. "Helping you." I answered simple. The scientist...

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