A strange virus has been spreading across the small city of Delte. A city know for its strange experiments and mutations. This virus does not affect humans, oh no, it only goes after animals. Most animals have fallen into a deep slumber, nothing able to awaken them. But the strongest of them have had a different reaction. They’ve become human. Well, not completely. They still have some animalistic features, like ears, wings, tails, claws, etc. They’re confused, scared, and alone. And now the humans want to experiment on them, can they escape and find a cure? Or will they be stuck like this forever, while their friends and family sleep, never to awaken?

inufluffy12 - Kita
Cat14 - Spike
kyouyarenge - Kiki
Kratos Cruxis - Lancer Talon
wolfdemonchild9 - Tsuki
lapaperninja - Yume
ecnelisterger - Hellacruz
Hulaberry32 - Taiga Akashiya
stinamuffin - Rylee
BrotherlyLoveHK - Misaki Igarashi

Important info
Point System
Spending Points

inufluffy12 - ><
Cat14 - 180
kyouyarenge - 180
Kratos Cruxis - 200
wolfdemonchild9 - 160
lapaperninja - 220
ecnelisterger - 120
Hulaberry32 - 220
stinamuffin - 240
BrotherlyLoveHK - 100


The humans were endless. It was impossible to hold them off much longer. "That's it, I'm out of here!" Taiga said aloud before slashing a few more humans and then heading in the direction of the others. "They've got enough time." "...

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wait up! im not human!


after i yelled out it seemed like noone stopped...i thought they would hear me although they might think im a human. I keep going after them hoping they'll realize im not a human, Im a bobcat! I decide it'd be better to tell them.

"I'm not a human!" I call out "wait up!"

Waking Up

I blinked slowly, still feeling groggy from the sedative I had ingested.

"She's waking up!" I heard a voice nearby. I sniffed once. The fox girl.

"Do we have any water to keep her awake?"

"I don't hear any streams... Please wake up! Please!" I blinked a few more times.

"Ugh, talk about a power nap!" I moaned softly. More calling came from the crowd. Suddenly, a new smell brought me jerking up. Humans! Jumping up, I looked over in time to see the tiger run off, and the snake close behind. Everyone was getting ready to leave. My first instinct was to help fight. Stupid humans! But realizing that the two could handle it, I took off with the others.

"This way!" called the orange haired fox as we all ran after.

"Where are you going?!" I called after her. Hell if I'm getting lost out here!

She turned and motioned for silence as she sniffed around. Indeed, I could smell a fox's scent marking nearby. She moved a few branches and pointed to a hole. I felt my eye twitch. It was so small! She expected us all to get down there?!

"Are you sure we'll all fit?" the bat girl spoke up.

"It's bigger inside. It's just the hole is sort of small." The girl nodded.

So we all started to file in, one after another. First the fox girl, then a few more, then me, and some others.

"HEY!" called a voice outside. Sniffing, it was hard to smell anything besides dirt, and I sneezed lightly. Human? Possibly, not probably. That's when I realized they were in the hole! I hope the last person has a good sense of smell, because I will NOT let a human follow us here!


getting to the group


I got to the forest line and kept going, trying to get as far away from that place as I could. I got far into the forest and climbed up a tree for safety. I was looking around when all of a sudden I saw some other people like me going into a fox hole. I should follow them. I jump down from the tree and go to the hole and follow them. they were a bit farther than me so I decide to get their attention.

"HEY!" I call out, hoping they'll hear me.

BrotherlyLoveHK's character: Misaki Igarashi

Name: Misaki Igarashi Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Cheetah Hair: Ivory Hair Length and Style: Right past shoulders, really choppy layers, long front bangs. Eyes: Golden with rims of black Looks: 5 foot ...

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